What are the phone options available for homes based in GTA?

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Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 351
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-07-06 11:10:17


Besides Rogers package for phone/internet/cable, what are the other good options available for homes based in GTA?

Is the Vonage service good, and do they have free local calls?
Do we have any websites where the pros/cons of all the service providers are listed?

Pls. let me know.



Member since: Oct 05
Posts: 145

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 30-07-06 12:07:30

about vonage or VOIP services, the problem is that if you do lot of heavy downloading/uploading or do high streaming stuff on internet then VOIP is definitely not the good option for you.
You will experience a lag when you are downloading such heavy stuff on net n same time making call or receiving call.
So if you wanna go for VOIP phones like vonage and you do heavy downloading like torrents then i would suggest to go for maximum speed internet you can get to avoid any lag during call.
Besides rogers you can try Bell.

Originally posted by sumjo


Besides Rogers package for phone/internet/cable, what are the other good options available for homes based in GTA?

Is the Vonage service good, and do they have free local calls?
Do we have any websites where the pros/cons of all the service providers are listed?

Pls. let me know.


Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 2335

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 31-07-06 13:43:42

Besides all of the phone companies that you know, such as Bell, Sprint, Primus, there are other services, such as 'Com wave' Vonage, Rogers,Shaw? and Cogeco to confuse you with their services and advantages too. So what do you wnat. Just Phone? Then Bell is the Best. No other service provider will give you a phone sertvice unless you take up their internet service to tag along, Sprint and Primus excluded.
We do not have many power outages, so we are alright, but if you did get one then these cable company phones are DED, dead that is But the phone companies with hard wired ones do work!!
Now for speed for the internet. Nothing to beat the cable services. They will turn on a dime and provide you with nine cents change. Now Bell is introducing their service calleed "Optmax" a 12 meg service. You want to wait? or after waiting do you want to complain to them that it is not 12, but only what ever their speed is???
My suggestion, get cable and a USB phone that will get you on to the phone lines for free. (Skype wireless) But there will be no 911 service. But it works. Try it out and make it wireless 5.4 ....
Good luck.


Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 351
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 01-08-06 00:48:24

Hi Freddie,

Thanx for the infromation. However, couldn't make out the meaning of this:

"My suggestion, get cable and a USB phone that will get you on to the phone lines for free. (Skype wireless) But there will be no 911 service. But it works. Try it out and make it wireless 5.4 ...."

Can you pls. elaborate?
Also, how is "call 24 hrs. - http://www.call24hrs.ca"" rel="nofollow">LINK for phone services & for internet access (dialup) how is 295.ca?
Any idea?


Originally posted by ftfl

Besides all of the phone companies that you know, such as Bell, Sprint, Primus, there are other services, such as 'Com wave' Vonage, Rogers,Shaw? and Cogeco to confuse you with their services and advantages too. So what do you wnat. Just Phone? Then Bell is the Best. No other service provider will give you a phone sertvice unless you take up their internet service to tag along, Sprint and Primus excluded.
We do not have many power outages, so we are alright, but if you did get one then these cable company phones are DED, dead that is But the phone companies with hard wired ones do work!!
Now for speed for the internet. Nothing to beat the cable services. They will turn on a dime and provide you with nine cents change. Now Bell is introducing their service calleed "Optmax" a 12 meg service. You want to wait? or after waiting do you want to complain to them that it is not 12, but only what ever their speed is???
My suggestion, get cable and a USB phone that will get you on to the phone lines for free. (Skype wireless) But there will be no 911 service. But it works. Try it out and make it wireless 5.4 ....
Good luck.



Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 2335

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-08-06 13:41:34

Is this the web address: http://www.call24hrs.ca/

If you need the phone only: Bell Services. (Guaranteed 24 hour serv.)
If you need internet Then the picture changes.
Some will want you to have a phone line to provide you with their internet and other free services or to add on cheap services That is O.K, if your internet usage is minimal and speed is not a great concern. Now you have to decide what it is that you want and the costs associated with them.
Call 24 says, as I understand, that you got to have a phone line from some one, unless they do provide you with a phone line at a cost lesser than the regulars.(about $30.00 or less) Then for the internet they will provide you with their services You also can choose their Long distance too after that.

Now the other alternative is not cheap. But the cable service for the internet is about $45.00. They also have a phone of their own that provides you with VOIP services for $30.00/ month to call US and CAN. You can skip that and get a USB phone from the open market, that works in conjunction with a USB port, called SKYPE phone. If you can get a wireless phone then it becomes portable, that is convenience. There are two frequencies associated with this one. One is 2.4 and the other one is 5.8 GHz and the second one works a little better withouot giving you any interference. it works O.K. with in the house. (Not as they claim 100 feet or so.) This skype phone currently provides you with a free service within CAN and USA, free during this year. This Skype service also provides you with free calling to other destinations when you register yourself with them. Generally abourt 60 free minutes a month. Is this clear enough for you? You should make a few calls and also visit a store or two and talk to some of the sales representatives and ask them to explain or show you what it does and get to know a little bit of thechnology, first hand. That might give you a little bit of confidence, before you jump into any system. I know you don't want to get tangled with all of this super tech hype, till you get the hang of it in toto. Am I correct.Do drop a line and tell me. Thanks and
Good Luck.

Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 351
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-08-06 23:56:18

Hi Freddie,

Since you are more in sync with these things, can you please recommend the ideal combination for the following scenerio:

I am looking for a phone connection, a decent internet connection (just for browsing and emails. i dont do much upload/download), and cable connection.

What would be the ideal combination and which company should I aim for?

Let me know.


Originally posted by ftfl

Is this the web address: http://www.call24hrs.ca/

If you need the phone only: Bell Services. (Guaranteed 24 hour serv.)
If you need internet Then the picture changes.
Some will want you to have a phone line to provide you with their internet and other free services or to add on cheap services That is O.K, if your internet usage is minimal and speed is not a great concern. Now you have to decide what it is that you want and the costs associated with them.
Call 24 says, as I understand, that you got to have a phone line from some one, unless they do provide you with a phone line at a cost lesser than the regulars.(about $30.00 or less) Then for the internet they will provide you with their services You also can choose their Long distance too after that.

Now the other alternative is not cheap. But the cable service for the internet is about $45.00. They also have a phone of their own that provides you with VOIP services for $30.00/ month to call US and CAN. You can skip that and get a USB phone from the open market, that works in conjunction with a USB port, called SKYPE phone. If you can get a wireless phone then it becomes portable, that is convenience. There are two frequencies associated with this one. One is 2.4 and the other one is 5.8 GHz and the second one works a little better withouot giving you any interference. it works O.K. with in the house. (Not as they claim 100 feet or so.) This skype phone currently provides you with a free service within CAN and USA, free during this year. This Skype service also provides you with free calling to other destinations when you register yourself with them. Generally abourt 60 free minutes a month. Is this clear enough for you? You should make a few calls and also visit a store or two and talk to some of the sales representatives and ask them to explain or show you what it does and get to know a little bit of thechnology, first hand. That might give you a little bit of confidence, before you jump into any system. I know you don't want to get tangled with all of this super tech hype, till you get the hang of it in toto. Am I correct.Do drop a line and tell me. Thanks and
Good Luck.


Member since: Jul 06
Posts: 2335

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-08-06 11:26:29


Here is a breakdown:

Phone cost $30 Reliability Good

Internet Cost ?? Not critical

Cable cost $40 Want/Need Reliability Good

Light internet $17 Either
Thro cable/phone

Long distance
charges ?? $10

Your Total bill will be:

30 + 17 + 40 + 10

Which will be $100.00+/- p/m
Per Annum 1200.00
Phone companies have not gotten into the service that the cable companies provide, until such time that they bring it over the wires, you can choose the cable. Cable services will be available even if you have bad weather any time.

Phone services are available 24/7 with them, but cable services cannot provide phone services during the balckouts. Hence use the phone lines for the express purpose.

Play with internet services if you have some one to help you with the computers, setting up etc., since they give you their services free for three months or at a reduced rate, with their promotionals. A try is always worth it. Local promotions and the high end services, currently vary with locations.

This analysis is based upon, Cost, reliability, excellence in services And of course your desire to have these for your day to day use 24/7 and 366 d/yr.

Summation: Phone line for phone, Cable sevices for TV, Internet as you wish, either light or highspeed, ultra or optimax.

Read the contract and fine prints. Cost of start ups at your location, kind of services that you are receiving in your area, ask your neighbors too. Most of all "How long are you going to be living there" and your budget. Combining of some services, such as telphone, internet and wireless provides you with additional free services such as free 500 minutes of long distance within Canada. Reduced monthly costs too. See if you can work around these benefits and get more milage.

(Then play with VOIP/SKYPE etc., for long distance at your leisure. What you loose around the bend you will gain on the straights)

I am not able to tabulate.

Hope it is of some help.


Now call HOME. (ET)

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