Traffic Ticket

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Member since: Mar 07
Posts: 282

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 03-03-07 20:29:07

Hii guys
i had a ticket last year in march 3rd for carless court date was couple months i sent my brother on my behalf..saying that i was sick..the cop showed up..but judge gave me a new date for march 21.. and the judge told my brother that i better show up next time..
i was on my way to drop off my dad so i can take him to court with as a witness but my badluck that he is leaving the country soon..
so do anyone know how can i reschedual it again?

Member since: Mar 07
Posts: 282

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 15-03-07 15:48:46

ok guys help me here
when i got this dad was with me so im going to take him with me as a witness...but he doesnt speak english..i wud like to know if they provide translator in court? im in markham rd they always have translator at the court or theyw ill give me another date ?
any idea guys?

Member since: Mar 07
Posts: 282

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 17-03-07 23:47:12

hi guys...i need ur help
i got a ticker last yr for careless driving...i have a court date next week..i had a courtdate in december but sent my brother instead and got another im planning to go this time..but hoping the cop dont show up....but im thinking if he does show up....i want a come up with some kinda excuse to reschedule the date..
i had my dad with me the time i got the i can take him as a witness..
so i want a know if i can the judge that my dad coudnt make it? wud they give me another date?
or can i say..he doesnt speak english...wud they give me another date and provide a next date?
if anyone ever had this kinda situation..plz help me...
im in canada torono..
thanx very much for any helpp

Member since: Mar 03
Posts: 2606
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-03-07 10:35:51

For my, my family and friends' safety on the road, I hope you get the fine you deserve and learn from it.

Driving a bit fast on the road is a different thing - but careless could kill someone else without his fault!



Advice is free – lessons I charge for!!

Member since: Mar 07
Posts: 282

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-03-07 14:54:35

Originally posted by chandresh

For my, my family and friends' safety on the road, I hope you get the fine you deserve and learn from it.

Driving a bit fast on the road is a different thing - but careless could kill someone else without his fault!


sorry to tell u that ur wish didnt come true..
the cop didnt show up..
i just wanted to say that i will prey to ALLAH that he'd take me b4 u, ur family and ur friendz...Aameen

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