What went wrong with Immigration Policies of Canada

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Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 914
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-09-04 20:08:43

Orginally posted by jago_desi

period is late 80's..................early 90's, when there was nothing sort of night shifts, weekend working or continental shifts..........check records amd talk to your fellow workers who have been in Canada during those days......

Times have changed buddy. I travel extensively in the US on business, plant closures are literally shattering communities there, especially in smaller towns. Factories here in North America have to draw out as much productivity as possible from their factories, coz else its just so much cheaper to take the entire darn thing and shift it to China.

I work for a company that employs more than 5,000 employees across North America. The company does work night shifts, especially during this time of the year. The information I have access to tells me that we have as many whites and Jamaicans on the shop floor in Toronto in the night, as we have Indians, so I don't know what you're trying to get at.....

Member since: Oct 02
Posts: 3409
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-09-04 20:13:41

Orginally posted by rajcanada

Orginally posted by BlueLobster

And to those of you who complain that some desi doctors are driving cabs here, I went to a desi doctor here yesterday (who's been practising for a long time).

He was horrible!!! Got irritated at every question I asked, basically his idea was that I register my name, he gets his 25 bucks and I leave without a fuss. Although that does not say anything about desi doctors in general, I wonder who the hell certified this guy. He should've been driving a cab!

He should've been driving a cab!

Are these comments from a moderator?

It seems you went to a walk-in-clinic when there were plenty of patients.


Are you taking exception because I said this about a desi? Would you have taken exception had I said such a thing about a Gora doctor? Because I really don't discriminate that way. And by the way, I'm human too and pretty opinionated, a lot of you will vouch for that. :cheers:

If I get treated like crap, I have a right to protest and vent. Regardless of who the perpetrator is. It honestly makes absolutely no difference to me whether the incompetence was displayed by a desi or a non-desi.

And no, I didn't go to a walk-in. I went after taking an appointment. There were about 2 patients after me, although I don't know how that changes anything.

Had you been there, you'd have thought that this guy does not deserve to be a doctor, neither in India nor here.

Are you there?

Mishtar India   
Member since: Nov 03
Posts: 668
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-09-04 20:50:56

Jago has made a good point here and we should not miss it while trying to disagree with his conspiracy theory.

Here is my attempt to summarize Jago's first post and filter out his conpiracy part and bring out the hidden points as i see it .

[ 1. With the open immigration policy, the huge available labour pool has blunted the influence of organized unions . (atleast in the small and medium sized industries).
2. Many English speaking educated immigrants get stuck in the lowest rung of labour market pool. This is leading to lopsided supply and demand situation and exploitation by non unionized industries.
3. The unfortunate immigrants who get stuck in this vicious labour market cycle lose out in a big way in terms of Purchasing power parity compared to their purchsing power in india. ]

If I see the above summary I get Jago's point . But I still dont agree with him .

It is true that there are lots of small scale factories having a field day with minimun wage unregulated work force. A visit to mississauage / brampton area units will give you an idea. But if there are any specific instances of exploitation, Govt of Canada has given you the means to get it addressed.
planning to protest against the govt itself is like protesting against those who can protect you.

To be effective, right representation to the right authorites will help the most. Not just arbitrarly suing the govt.

Remember , PR status is a privilage we enjoy. Not our right!!
How many can protest in Dubai or anywhere in middleeast against exploitation . ? This govt allows us the freedom and protection against exploitation ....and look at us , instead of making use of the systems to lodge our complaints you are planing to take shots at the govt itself.!!

As for the union issue , I would recommend to every desi who gets into skilled trades , to atleast get into the work force thru unions . Unions will give you lot more protection and $$.
There is a demand for many skilled trades in unions and for your own protection if you cant find a job, and if you must take a labour job, then go thru the unions.

I will post later how to get into unions for various skilled trades.

What can be imagined, can be achieved.

Member since: Jan 04
Posts: 68
Location: Oshawa, ON

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-09-04 22:10:02

Agree with Mishtar India. Discussing something which is just beyond us. And do not forget- this policy or that policy, you shall find prospective immigrants queueing up for their immigrant visas-irrespective of what you feel or what policies should be there. Better divert to something more productive than abusing or criticizing! Your bloodboiling is futile and uncalled for. And you well know... if wishes were horses then....?

Lead, Kindly Light!!

Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 190
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-09-04 23:13:15

Pandu-havaldar- kya naam rakhela hai bhai.
And those coming in increasing numbers from Poland, Roumania, Hungary, Croatia and other ex UUSR and its satellite countries?
Unless Europe changed position just this minute and unless the defintion of gora is now something else, then I do believe you left these out while thinking of Europe and goras.

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Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 190
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-09-04 23:14:53

Hey come on guys, pump it up, make this thread hit the ton already!

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Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 190
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-09-04 23:17:53

Hey Kap,
Thanks for the tip yaar, I am just gitting muh credit report printed.

Quote from Kap

Break !!!

PLease visit following link and get your credit report online without any cost

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