What went wrong with Immigration Policies of Canada

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Member since: Sep 03
Posts: 281

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-09-04 01:39:11

Hi Canadian Desi Chaps
As prospective immigrant reading this post . I have to say one thing. Canadian Govt should make passing laws stricter lest many duffers get passed that immigration skill test. They simply do not value the privilege rights of being part of developed world. Let these educated engineers/professor etc come back home and earn so called good money. I am sure these people are good for nothing back home. Else would have come back.
Recently I applied for UK under point system ( hsmp) & got failed. Here the detail

Education: They gave me 15 points for my degree.

Work experience: 0 point for my work experience. Reasons not written on the experience letter that job requires graduate experience. & What kind of experience I showed to them? A letter showing all duties what a Technical leader in embedded software (engineer) is expected to do in a MNC. Going to onsite in US for discussion with client. (Even showed 10 year multiple entry B1 visa) Leading 4-member team of engineers back home in India. Design , developing software working in cmm level 5 company.

Earnings: I earn now around 7 lakhs gross per annum. Again what is listed on form 16 they look for. No considerations on HRA tax benefit, Provident fund money etc. Again got 0 point for not warning 7500 pounds.

Spouse Earning: Despite giving original marriage certificate, kid’s birth certificate, joint bank account statement, They were not convince that we live together for more than 2 years. Want some kind of utility bills that showed we live together in same house. Again got 0 points. Many people get shock of their life after getting evaluated from hsmp uk. The success rate is 40 % only these days

Just giving you chaps idea as what other countries valued our system or how they evaluate us. Thanks Canadian Govt for atleast giving prospective immigrant a chance to prove himself in developed world with equal rights. All these Duffers that want to go to UNO or want to sue Canadian govt ,should be slammed & asked to come back home. Start living Dream life in India that they fail to get in Canada.


Member since: Sep 03
Posts: 733
Location: Bahrain

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-09-04 05:24:37

My friend(Infocam ) ,

Grass is always greener on the other side . I will just say something --if u r earning 7lacs pa u have a comfortable life .In India u wudnt do a factory job / work @ Macdonalds / Tim Hortons ---- wud u ?? Answer that urself coz more probable than not a guy having ur qual / exp wud b expected 2 do just that @ Canada . Smthing which u realise only upon reaching there .Its like 4m the fire 2 the frying pan .

And as u ve already stated the ppl who reach Canada r nt the "duffers" but amongst the better ones who r earning well in India also but are lured by the "western" dream .

HSMP is differnt .They are cold shouldering Indians /Pakis / Chinese . Thats y that GBP 7500/- clause .

Manasvi .

Member since: Sep 03
Posts: 281

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-09-04 08:58:51

Hi Manasvi,
Duffers I think are those who get the privilege to settle or atleast live in developed & now talk of going to UN or suing Canadian govt. Canada is looking for large number of people since it have vast land/water/air resources. It would like people to exploit it & let the economy grow more.
I am certainly not looking for factory jobs. Every body has a planning & some dreams. I have mine. Lets see , if that fail I will come back. But not before giving try for at least 2 years.
I will certainly not complain if fail. After all every thing is open to discussion & knowledge in the Net. So no illusions on any front ,be it racial discrimination, crime , jobs market, standard of living etc.. .


Member since: Aug 04
Posts: 186

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-09-04 09:15:27

Fools can "dream " of anything
No body has told them that a wonderful cushy life is guaranteed for them.
And if after coming here they do realize that they are not likely to make it big what the hell stops them from leaving??????????????

If anyone wants to see the success stories on immigrants from India and Pakistan, just go to Toronto downtown in the mornign rush hours. Tens of hundreds have got emplyment in very good jobs.

But then duffers dont understand, do they????

Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 914
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-09-04 09:24:45


This perception (that Manasvi has portrayed sitting in Bahrain) that everyone who comes over here works on the shop floor in factories or at McDonald’s is misplaced to say the least. Its also extremely unfair to the immigrants that have come here and done well for themselves. A good number of us having come here have more professional satisfaction than what we had in India or the Middle East.

While there are people that have failed here, its wrong to paint the entire immigrant community with that brush. But the proof of the pudding lies in the eating…..you’ll have to come here to see / experience that.

Member since: Aug 04
Posts: 186

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-09-04 09:34:24

Orginally posted by dhokla-dhokli

posted by gapodi
The matter of shame is that the skilled immigrants trying to settle themselves should be asking and learning form thsoe who have been succesfull. But instead of that they are indulging in cheap personal attacks and useless rambling.

Can anyone tell me that Why Indians are not so successful whereas in rest of world Indians are very very successful. What Canada has so special for failure of many Indians? Can we have Kalpana chawla , here in Canada with Canadian backup?

But canada would only patronize, assist stip clubs, dancers, outcall escort agencies which can support their economy well . What they need is immigrants and their money. my impromptu survey of meeting 10 desi's everyday , not even one said that he is really happy with present situation.

So what does all positive thinkers think about it? The same questions were raised yesterday and the thread was deleted and handle was removed.

Just because you have not found a job does not mean other Indians have failed as well.
I have already written elsewhere that every single of my friends found a fantastic job. A success rate of 100%
Tens of thousands have found very good jobs. Just open your eyes and check the offices.
and finally if you think Canada only needs stripers and escorts then what exactly are you doing here???

Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 591
Location: canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 23-09-04 09:39:00

Orginally posted by YoursTruly

Orginally posted by jago_desi

Orginally posted by YoursTruly

The employers have to treat them according to the Canada Labour Law. That means they are treated at par with permanent employees in terms of working hours, wages and benefits. They can be laid off. They can be asked to work fewer hours if needed. They can also quit the job and work for another employer. In other words they are not bonded.

Teja, I dont agree with you. If you are on a work permit arranged by an employer, labour laws are not exactly the same as for PR or Canadian. They do not enjoy the basic previlege of minimum wages i.e $7.15, Believe me or check out with a person with work permit.

I am quoting verbatim the HRDC guidelines to emplyers:

As an employer, you can make the formal job offer with a written letter or with a more formal employment contract. The job offer must contain the following information:

-A job title for the job you are offering.
-A description of the job, listing duties and responsibilities.
-A list of education, skills and experience that workers must have for the job. Include a list of licenses and professional credentials.
-Details on when the job will start and end. Work permits are only issued for foreign workers who are coming to work in Canada for a limited time. If your workers are coming to live and work permanently in Canada, they must apply for permanent residence through the skilled worker program.
-Details of the salary you are offering, including wages and other forms of payment (for example: room and board or commission.) Remember that HRDC will check that the wages and working conditions you are offering are consistent with the Canadian labour market.
-The name and address of the employer, and the address where the foreign worker will be working. CIC and HRDC officers will check that your business and the job being offered are genuine. Include the name and phone number of a contact at your business who is familiar with the job offer so that CIC and HRDC can confirm the offer.

You might be talking about illegal workers and refugees who are more prone to exploitation.

Thanks Teja...some of the members will realise why labour is not braught on work permit for the hassels of going about descrbing job duties(which are non other than hard core labour) Proving credential(difficult to prove on paper suitability of engineers and doctors for labour) on top of that providing room and board.........are we joking here.....I am pissed off with the idea of experience people not able to logicaly think of the reason to get immigrants.............
Please note...a student of humber college (international marketing) completed his course last month. Work permit is sponsored by his employer for a year time with wages at $6 (below $7.15 mark), permission to work granted by HRDC (probably they overlooked salary) Employer is not responsible for his medical. For him to take insurance coverage cost is over $200/month......you are highly miss informed by CIC.......it is more or less you want to ask the person "are you a bad man" and expect truth from him.

Try overtaking child's imagination

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