Hello! Crenshaw,
A thoughtful post and makes me happy that you could get the broader picture and how right you are that so many crimes and injustices are committed daily in India and nobody gets procecuted for them.....it is the rot from the grass root level due to certain social norms that have now become ingrained in our social fabric and are a big social problem....the high class society in India have created their own rot yet we do still call India our home.......so what if there are infinite machaalis in India as per Mr. Sanjeev's argument......a social problem is a social problem......nothing can justify it......actually since it has happened in a taalab with few machaalis it has come out in the forefront and articles about it were written in the newspaper......and the woman was punished for it......it is when the machaalis are innumerable that no one knows who did what and the incident gets nicely buried, depending on how much of muscle power and money power the culprit had........yes mr. Sanjeev tell us who actually has a social problem.......As for Paul Martin waiting for us with jobs in Frotune 100 companies!! I think even the foolish of the foolish would not have such Utopic notions.......67 points are not accumalated on the basis of foolhardiness....
sincere regards
It is so simple to be happy but so difficult to be simple
Its amazing guys, that we have forgotten to analyse any issue on its face value. Why is it that everything gets diverted to immigration..........
If anybody disclose (-) things of Canada then some people here ready to attack on him without any reasons.
What is the problem guys?
Why are you compare everytime with India?
All people here know what is the India but many of them not aware about the Canadian's things / situations.
If you want to disclose good things of Canada then disclose it but you cant stop to others who wants to disclose (-) things of Canada. What is a FACT is FACT you cant change it.
Some people on this board, started business of Air tickits for India, you know ? and they every time advised people " why you dont go back to India?"
How is this story negative about Canada?? What does this story have to do with Canada or Canadian culture?
What Jsethi is saying is absolutely correct. This story is about an individual who probably has no trace of humanity. Such people are everywhere in the world. The fact that this happened here is only a matter of co-incidence, it can happen anywhere in the world.
Suppose tomorrow you find out that this person grew up in Mexico instead of Canada, would you say "Canada is ok and Mexican culture is screwed"?
Think about it with an open mind. The answer will come to you who's really obsessed with Canada's negativity.
Are you there?
Orginally posted by BlueLobster
How is this story negative about Canada?? What does this story have to do with Canada or Canadian culture?
What Jsethi is saying is absolutely correct. This story is about an individual who probably has no trace of humanity. Such people are everywhere in the world. The fact that this happened here is only a matter of co-incidence, it can happen anywhere in the world.
Suppose tomorrow you find out that this person grew up in Mexico instead of Canada, would you say "Canada is ok and Mexican culture is screwed"?
Think about it with an open mind. The answer will come to you who's really obsessed with Canada's negativity.
Kap, Maybe you missed the starting comments by Sanjeev. This is what started the comparisions to India...
BTW, Welcome to Canada, the land of opportunities for making your kids' future (and did any one say culture too???) bright and prosperous.
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I would suggest we put the story in perspective.
a) This girl could be mentally retarded and clinically crazy.
b) She's does not feel the same emotions you, I or Sanjeev do. She's heartless.
c) As difficult as it is to believe, there may be more to the story than meets the eye. I don't believe everything I read in the papers.
It really is an awful story and I hope she is punished to the full extent of the law for what she did, if she did it. But that's where it ends, I don't think we can extrapolate this any further.
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