Gay Marriages

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Member since: Jan 04
Posts: 497
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-02-05 17:47:17

I think acceptance of East Indian Browns by Whites in their country is little different from accepting gays / lesbians into the society. Atleast browns were also following the laws of nature, their habits or may be their culture or the family values were different but here we are discussing something which is going to affect the whole society irrespective of the cultural or ethnic background or skin color.

My thoughts!!

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Member since: Sep 03
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-02-05 18:12:32

Orginally posted by sanjeevm

I think acceptance of East Indian Browns by Whites in their country is little different from accepting gays / lesbians into the society. Atleast browns were also following the laws of nature, their habits or may be their culture or the family values were different but here we are discussing something which is going to affect the whole society irrespective of the cultural or ethnic background or skin color.

My thoughts!!

so its not the familiy values OR cultural values but the 'laws of nature' that you are worried about. Unless there is something else you like to elaborate on...especially how this will 'affect the whole of society'

i'll try to elaborate on how these fear-based reactions are similar:

According to the prevelant wisdom of the times
1) browns(and other minorities) were inferior physically and mentally. That meant the things that these minorities did in their daily existence were 'wrong', morally, culturally and otherwise.
2) Civilization and moral wisdom were granted only to the whitemen and this was proven by their rule over the inferiors.
3)Racial superiority was taught in schools .This was elaborated even in the scientific journals of the time, less said the better about their religious stand.
European society WAS 'Society' or its perfection. The immigration of 'undesirables' would dilute the 'whole of society'. There was a very real FEAR that they would be going against the way things are meant to be.

In conclussion:
According to them, white superiority WAS the INDISPUTABLE 'law of nature' morally, culkturally and theologically

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Member since: Sep 04
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-02-05 02:09:46

Orginally posted by Sandesh


I am not a very religious person, but I can see clearly the consequences to all the defiance. The various natural calamaties sent down upon us.


Pardon the expression, but its sometimes amusing to see how natural calamities are attributed to different occurences.

In this case, same sex marriages are being legalized in Canada, but are being attributed by this poster to the tsunami in Asia! Begs the question, if natural calamities happened because of same sex relationships, why didn't the tsunami happen in Canada (or in the Netherlands, which was the first country to legalize same sex marriage)........or are there more gay people in Sri Lanka and Indonesia?

Member since: Sep 03
Posts: 2962
Location: Montreal

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-02-05 09:42:36

I dont really think homosexuality and 'laws of nature' argument is very valid but this is for the people who think it is. Apparently Nature herself thinks different.Nature has a very wierd way of proving how little we know about it.

"In the approximately 1,000 to 3,000 species whose behavior has been well researched and described in the literature, approximately 450 have been shown to have clear homosexual behaviors. As we'll learn in this essay, homosexuality is not at all exclusively a western, European cultural pattern as some Christian and Muslim fundamentalists and Afrocentrists (and even some African politicians) have long maintained. It's not even unique to humans. And any homosexual behavior you care to name - anal sex, same sex kissing, long-term pair bonding between members of the same sex, courtship rituals unique to homosexual couples, all these and many more are all commonly found in the animal kingdom."

NOTE: I repeat I do not think we should be ** comparing human behaviour to animal behaviour**. This post is only to question the 'law of nature' argument.

IMO-There's probably only one who knows the 'laws of nature', the rest of us are mostly relativists.

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Member since: Feb 04
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-02-05 23:54:26

jake, don't you think though that the family as we know it will disintegrate once gay marriage becomes legal? think about it. you are basically saying that the purpose of a union is not to bear and foster children but ... what? sexual pleasure.

i'm simplifying the issue, but that is the crux of it.

remember that story on canadiandesi about the mother who left her 2-year old child to die of dehydration while she went out to party with her boyfriends on a 2-day binge?

that was the saddest story i have ever read. i am not embarrassed to say that it almost moved me to tears.

how could such a thing happen? because the woman had no family. where were her parents? the grandparents? the father?

ironically, next door in the apartment next to her was probably some fat canadian slob, drinking beer and watching TV, alone, wondering deep in his heart why he had no one to love (i.e. no family) and no one to care for.

ironically, next door to him was a child crying out for help... he was separated from the child by a centimeter thin wall.

yet in canada people don't even know their neighbours. the child cried and screamed itself hoarse without anyone knowing and died without anyone knowing.

this could never happen in indonesia. many times i am happy i am here, where such horrible things cannot happen.

anyway, jake, perhaps you don't agree with me equating this story and the issue at hand. but some, i think, understand what i mean and agree.

Member since: Feb 04
Posts: 148
Location: SoMeWheRe iN aSia

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 06-02-05 23:57:15

for canadian desi, this is more than a theoretical issue. be prepared for a new wave of immigration from india of same sex couples. they would in theory receive priority over male/female couples as human rights issues would lean in their favour. the numbers of desi in canada in one generation will be heavily weighted with same sex couples.

Member since: Jan 04
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Location: Brampton

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 07-02-05 07:41:06

Orginally posted by jake3d
2) Civilization and moral wisdom were granted only to the whitemen and this was proven by their rule over the inferiors.

According to history
It was not Moral wisdom..but Crueality,Wickedness,Cheating etc etc..
and it was not Granted by God ..but by Devil.:D

According to Harappa & Mohanjodro Civilization...when most of the Asia was Civilized...cultured..that time your so called white man..was illetrate
uncivilised..survived only through Hunting....and most part of Europe was covered by Ice..not by human

For those who does not believe in old Indian/Hindu/Sanatan scriptures, tofay's modern science has proved it. Theories and principles set out thousands years ago may not hold valid in today's world but we must believe in their existence and should be proud of being come from that great civilization. It is really pianful when I see some desi calling " we came from a conservative back ground/country".They do not know about their histry. I really feel sorry for them.:(

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