Thanks for all your help and feedback.
Is there any place in Ontario, where it is easy to appear in G2 Driving Test?
Honestly, I am looking for easy way out to get my G2/ Licence OR G2 test. Please guide and advise...I truly need a help.
I understand, there are many persons, who can say, \"have confidence\", \"do not look fo easy ways\", \"w/o confidence, do not drive\", \"this is not India\", \"appear from any place, if you are a good driver...\" and several such advise....
Please try to understand from my perspective/side. I need G2 Licence, by any ways.... I cannot afford time and money - to re-appears in G2.
My honest confession is : I am looking for a easiest way to get G2.
Please do not feel hurted, if I have wrote something, hurting your feeling.
I truly need advise and help....
I also hope, \"Canadian Desi\" can and will understand \"Other Canadian Deshi\"'s request and feeling....
Basic requirement for passing driving test is confidence while driving and following the traffic rules..
Some places have less traffic hence tests are relatively easier than others.
Orangeville and Guelph are recommended by most..
Picture this :
You wish to take the easiest way out to save a few dollars - you land up in a remote city and clear your test ... Wow you are a G2 ....
On the road next day while on a Highway or a semi Highway , you crash into another vehicle due to your lack of driving skills or confidence ......... Either is injured or in worst case killed .................... for what ........... a few dollars !!!
Take your driving tests w/o any consideration for money and appear for them when you are confident ............... you may choose a remote location but pleaaaseeee have enough driving experience and skills before that !!!
Please note this advice is coming from a guy who has already been ticketed twice in the past year.. once for parking in a disabled parking spot and another time for unsafe passing..
While he was writing this theoretical suggestion some one needs to ask him to repeat his G1 and G2, because as i see it he is the one who does not know driving.
This country is filled with people like this who think they have right to do whatever they please but take objection when others try to make their own lives easy.
Originally posted by Fido
Picture this :
You wish to take the easiest way out to save a few dollars - you land up in a remote city and clear your test ... Wow you are a G2 ....
On the road next day while on a Highway or a semi Highway , you crash into another vehicle due to your lack of driving skills or confidence ......... Either is injured or in worst case killed .................... for what ........... a few dollars !!!
Take your driving tests w/o any consideration for money and appear for them when you are confident ............... you may choose a remote location but pleaaaseeee have enough driving experience and skills before that !!!
For your very kind info .... (nice that you note history ) the incorrect passing charge was with drawn and the Parking in Disabled is still to come up .....
I don't have to prove to you or to anyone else the safety and precautions I take / have taken in the past .... but I stand by what I have said and I practice it !!
Getting a ticket is not the final conviction mind you ..... its the judgment which matters .... It is innocent till proved guilty .... Obviously you take yourself to be more judgmental than this country's law .....
Now go jump somewhere else ....
Just because the court retracted does not mean u are innocent..
The cop was the witness and he wrote a ticket for a reason.
This country has laws that are made to protect the innocent that sometimes crooks like u who shouldn't have a license in the first place take advantage of.
Originally posted by Fido
For your very kind info .... (nice that you note history) the incorrect passing charge was with drawn and the Parking in Disabled is still to come up .....
I don't have to prove to you or to anyone else the safety and precautions I take / have taken in the past .... but I stand by what I have said and I practice it !!
Getting a ticket is not the final conviction mind you ..... its the judgment which matters .... It is innocent till proved guilty .... Obviously you take yourself to be more judgmental than this country's law .....
Now go jump somewhere else ....![]()
Oh really ?
Just because the Cop has given a ticket it does not mean that you are guilty ..... get your knowledge straight Dude .. that s why we have courts & Judges ...
Or may be next time around they can come to dumbos like you and deliver judgment .... dumbos who don't know what transpired and yet are eager enough to voice their utterly useless and meaningless rant ...
If you were so capable enough , they would perhaps come to you before formulating laws .............. Or may be you can start by filing in the nomination and change the country's laws .....
All the best and let us know when the deed is done .....
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