Thanks a lot, Dudewheresmycar, for providing valuable info. It will help.
As I wrote, my primary aim is getting G2/G earliest. I appreciate you for understanding my honest request. I am alos looking for reasonable and good school, who can HELP in getting G2/G, if you have any idea.
Fido, in the beginning of my humble request, I wrote that please I need your help, not the \"idealistic\" advises.....please do not feel hurted but, I need \"practical\" advises and tricks how to get G2/G earliest.
Fido, feeling of struggling alone in a different and new country (by choice), is truly challenging.... Specifically, when you had no one to receive at even at the time of landing.... I am still praying for that \"unknown\" human-being, who provided shelter for 48 hrs, in his family and also provided reference for my first job. He is a Jamaican and his wife is a Canadian.... How far you have gone, to help a person, to whom you don't know at all and who is not even from your country....?? Please.....I am not writing for any sympathies, but, it is/was a fact.
Fido, I am requesting a help from a forum, who is full of Deshis.... and who knows and masters all \"tricks\" of trades, by their seniority in this country or by experience or by over heard talks.... Is it bad to ask for a help and know \"tricks\"?
What I have observed, (may it be in any other country in world), is HUMANS like to find out \"easy\" ways in every aspect of life (that includes all dignitories /politicians/film stars/business man...). It is a practical thing in life. To help and guide, a needy person is genuinely different than being a just \"philosophical advisor.\"
Fido, some times, just look into a mirror....Go to past (even present) where you have tried to find out \"easy\" ways in your own life (start from your schooling, exams papers, exam reading, banks, licence in India, health, medical, interview, job, ups and downs in your life; AND also ways you tried to find for your parents/children, for your spouse (if any)... The picture might become more clearer to you.
If you are a Gujju, \"TAMARI TO BADHI BHARYA PET NE VAATO CHHE...\" Got it? Any ways, thanks for your time in writing a reply.
Once again, I need to maintain my job, as I will prefer to struggle or return to back-home rather than taking EI and live on taxpayer's money.... I hope, you have understood my nature, now... It IS mandatory for me to have G2/G earliest, by any means, for continuation of my job....
Fido, It is a request for \"practical\" guidance, from a CD.... Why can't we support our people and help eachother...share ways with eachother... Why most of the, \"we Indians\", are like this???
Thanks again, Dudewheresmycar, for YOUR guidance and if You come across, any info, please provide it.....
You will be surprised if I told you that despite the fact that I could take the Full driving test directly and I did and I cleared it , I studied the rules of the road for 6 months prior to it and took a 25 hr course stringently ............. I did not take any short cuts and would not advise any one either ...
What I have given is honest advice which I have practiced for my own self . You can ignore it if it does not serve purpose but be ready for these advices when you address your query to a public forum ......
It perturbs when people like fido make irrelevant / un helping comments .. I guess even Lissa's 2nd explanation hasn't helped him and he keeps repeating useless theories.
The drive test is a privatized organization, the worst part of this arrangement is there is no incentive for them to pass candidates. Most people who end up being victims are the new immigrants..
Some people will say it works because they passed the first attempt.. does not really mean they are any better drivers than the people who have failed.
I know quite a few people who have not cleared even after 3 attempts and are very good drivers.
In general in GTA the percentage of immigrants is hight and also coincides with a high fail rate.
There is also some level of corruption in the drive test where people have paid bribes to get a license.. I know people who have paid the bribes so this is not out of thin air.
That said what can u do...
1> Since ur job is moving to toronto , look for public transit as a option.
Toronto has some of the best public transit in the world which goes to every corner of Toronto and it is summer so taking public transit is not a pain.
This will avoid putting undue pressure on urself to pass the tests asap..
Insurance for new driver is also very high, so using public transit will save u money
On an average public transit in toronto will cost u 110$ per month using ttc pass, Will run to 350 if u have to use TTC and GO pass.
Where as insurance and car ownership and gas will run to over 500$ per month.
Also see if moving closer to work is an option.
2> U have to pass ur written test no matter what..
3> Use ur india license and experience certificate to avoid the wait time for giving driving test.
4> Take atleast 5 to 10 driving lessons. good drivers who have driven in india probably will make do with 5 lessons others need more.
5> Once u are confident of driving at the surface street speeds , Go to a remote location like Orangeville for ur test.
Thats a +ve post for a change ... Keep it up ....
BTW let us know when you succeed in changing the laws of Canada per your whims
U mean like allowing everyone to park in disabled parking slots..
Originally posted by Fido
Thats a +ve post for a change ... Keep it up ....
BTW let us know when you succeed in changing the laws of Canada per your whims
No I meant letting Cops decide and judge everything & making people go through testing again or stripping them of their dl's upon ticketing as you have indicated above ......
To Dudewheresmy car:
Skyful of thanks for all advises!!
I have to travel outside Toronto, where Pubmic Transport is not as effective, as "our" TTC! So, DL is must.
My G1 is clear and my Driving experience and RTO certi was considered in Toronto.
I also heard of bribes in DL, but unable to trace the right man! Where to find them? Any help on this, too?
If it works out, it will be the best OR else any suggestion for DL, with reasonable fees and good coaching??
One more honest confession is: I am not good in Parallel Parking.
In India, I drove regularly for 5-6 years in Mumbai, Abad and NH8, with zero accident (clear driving history).
Thanks again! btw, when I read your name, it makes me feel like "dudewheresmy DL" ???!!!
To FIDO::::::
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