Moving Back to Canada....need some advice

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Member since: Oct 16
Posts: 2

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-10-16 02:53:57

Hello All

Just to give you some background, I immigrated to Canada in 1999, lived in Mississauga for some years and then found a job in Dubai. I now intend to move back to Toronto but looking at house prices, am very confused at where to find a decent home. I have two kids who will go to school and therefore my wish list is as follows (in order of preference):

- Good schools in the neighbourhood
- Large home (3,500 sq ft +)
- Detached home
- Close to square one

Can anyone please suggest some good places to live. My budget to find a house is around $800,000 at the top end. I am also open to moving further towards Milton as long as we can find very good schools there.

Thanks in advance.

Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 1853
Location: GTA, Ontario

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-10-16 07:35:32


Pick a city, then search for best schools and then look around the house prices. 800K (Unless it is in USD) could be bit less for a 3500 sqft houses, Milton is more or less the same case but could comes reasonably close.

If Mississauga, churchill meadows / Port credit / Old meadowvale village area wins the deal but again house prices could be bit stretched.

Pick a GTA map (Print one) and start marking places based on your preference and your research and then slowly start narrowing down. There are website available to find out the rating of the schools in Peel district and Halton region.
Do not forget to check Catholic schools too, some schools are really good, there could be some concerns in admissions.

use website for checking the list price.

The cowards never started,
The weak died on the way,
Only the strong arrived.

Member since: Aug 10
Posts: 2009

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 16-10-16 12:34:53

Are you planning to buy home on day 1 of arrival ?
I suggest for year 1 stay on rent and look around yourself. Analyse the Traffic and population situation , Msauga which you saw may not be same anymore. Nobody else better than you can judge your liking for a place to make a home. RE prices are gone way up, more so in Mississauga.

Member since: Oct 16
Posts: 2

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 17-10-16 02:25:17

Thanks guys for your feedback. My parents live in Mississauga near Square One and therefore I would like to stay there. I earlier lived in Heartland which I still like (I visit at least once each year). The only problem with Heartland is that I cannot afford it anymore. I am torn between downsizing to a townhouse / semi or moving further away towards Milton. I want the kids to have a good lifestyle and being able to go to a good school with the opportunity to make good friends, in a multi-cultural neighborhood is key.

Any suggestions to narrow down my search would really be helpful.

Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 5775
Location: God's own country

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 17-10-16 02:33:07

You are in a catch 22 situation my friend.
But now we know that you know Mississauga much better that you had first posted as your parents stay here and that you visit atleast once a year. You know much better.

Any specific questions, we will be happy to respond. General assumptions is impossible in your case, as your know your history much more than we do.


I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

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