Re-entering US with an unstamped H1B

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Member since: Oct 02
Posts: 3409
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 14-06-05 06:46:41

Orginally posted by sunilgeorge


I know it would be difficult to make a generic statement, but still how'z work culture there in Canada compared to US ( I presume you are also into IT only)? Where are you currently ? Is Vancouver a good place for IT ? I know it is not as vibrant as Toronto. I am planning to move there leaving my family in India till I get a job.

Work culture is very similar to the states, I haven't really noticed too much of a difference. People say its a bit more laid back, but not in my observation. I'm sure a lot of people will disagree, but you get more respect and less racism here than in the states.

I'm in Toronto and IT prospects are hands down better here than in Vancouver. I've never been to Vancouver myself so not sure about the IT job scene there.

Here's what you need to make it here in IT (and some other fields too)

1) Good technical skills

2) Very good soft skills, no matter what someone tells you, this is a BIG plus. Your vernacular should match the North American one and you should be able to use the buzzwords in interview.

3) Confidence. You need to combine this with point #2 to combat questions like "Canadian experience" etc.

4) Diligence. You need to start your homework before you come and put in a very focused effort.

5) Bank balance. Ideally, you don't want to fall for the labour job trap unless you're running out of money, so if you come with enough funds to survive for about 3/4 months without worrying about getting a survival job, its a big plus. This is not possible for everyone so you have to do what's best for you.

If you can afford it, don't think of the 3/4 months as savings burning time. This is the mistake many make and get labour jobs right away. This period is an investment into your future and once you get a good job, you'll recover the money in a very short time.

6) Networking. Mix with people who point you in the right direction. You will find dozens who'll have tons of advice for you, it YOUR responsiblity to sift through the garbage and get to the substance, whether that be positive or negative. Also don't network only from a "getting a job" perspective. It helps to be be genuine and make friends who can help you and who you can help.

7) Patience. Need I say more?


With the above, I don't think you should have any problems in the market here. You will most likely not make as much money as in the states and have to work much harder to get a job, however the notion that there are no jobs here is something I don't subscribe to. Maybe I've gotten lucky, however in my 5 years in Canada, I've switched 3 jobs and never had any issues finding the next one. And I know lots of folks who have had similar experiences.

So there you go. The above is entirely my opinion and I make no claims of being absolutely right. You can count on the fact that someone will come and say the exact opposite of what I've just said. Your call on who you want to believe.

Are you there?

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