In almost any country the nationalist sentiments are pumped into us right from childhood...movies, school, tv, books etc.
Heres a nice essay on the above topic...less extreme imo. Dont mind the bg...its worth a read.
an excerpt
"To win people's support the state uses all sorts of symbols and myths. These are called national symbols or national traditions…Governments need nationalism to make people obey them. It tries to persuade them that they are doing something more important. This important thing is called the person's 'duty' to the nation.
The national leaders are not, for the most part, sentimentalists, but they know that a good portion of their country is, and they use that to their advantage. If they can give extra meaning to something that would normally mean very little and, by telling their citizens that it represents their country, they may easily wield power with that once-worthless object.
There is positive nationalism, but it is much less prevalent than its negative copy. As Mr. Reich states, "…failure to choose positive nationalism almost surly promotes its negative twin, because the losers are left vulnerable."
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Nationalism is the modern version of religion in the medieval and later periods.
Hope it goes away ASAP.
For me any system that says I must do this or that or be or think in a particular way is suspect.
I once made a mistake, but I was wrong about it.
Orginally posted by mercury6
Nationalism is the modern version of religion in the medieval and later periods.
Hope it goes away ASAP.
For me any system that says I must do this or that or be or think in a particular way is suspect.
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Orginally posted by jake3d are going to be branded a 'traitor'. All the hindi movies(since we are talking about desis) say that if you are not 'patriotic' you are a 'traitor'.
I once made a mistake, but I was wrong about it.
Orginally posted by mercury6
Oddly , we indians are our own worst critics.
Yes we bash our own country unlike any body has done any where in the world.
I like being in a place where I can wake up, open the windows and shout out loud...."Being in country is a bit*h".
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Orginally posted by jake3d
isnt it true for most nationalities?
this is something I cannot quite understand...wouldnt want to say that in India, Canada or US(where I may be lynched). Afterall it has more to do with me than the country I am in. Ofcourse, I could be wrong.
I once made a mistake, but I was wrong about it.
Orginally posted by mercury6
I am firmly in the "If you dont like it here, dont agree with me, please stay" camp.
As opposed to "If you dont like it here, you can leave".
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