Canada : Land of Educated Labours

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Member since: Jun 05
Posts: 27
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 17-10-05 14:49:40

You all must be surprised reading the subject line. It sound estonishing but its 100% bitter truth. Many Indians come here with a hope and with a eye of getting better job oppurtunity and being settle here nicely. Almost we all come for better life style, and gain handsome money. We leave our family, job, friends, etc just for luxury and money in an unknow country where nothing is yours.

While we come almost we all are unaware of the fact that its not easy to get the job of our line easy. We all have to do labour jobs here. We indians will not do a small job in our country but easily become ready to serve as canadian labour. In our country we feel shame to work like a labour but here we work with a dignity. How absoulte... Many of the people passes 5-8 years with labour job and fail getting jobs of their subject but still stay here just to get what they desire. Have you every thought that what we get after a long struggle is against of all our wealth. Here the word i use wealth is your parents, your friends, your beloved ones, etc. The deal which we do here to settle well is a loss deal because you sacrifice almost everything which was your asset in your country.

Have you ever thought why it happens ? It is just because we are fed up of our indian life style and we just want to change it for better healthy life and earn more money. But just think do you get ? This country never accepts you with a positive and designated positon but has invited you to serve as a EDUCATED LABOUR. Many people come with doctor degree, MBA\'s, Engg. etc but work here like a labour. And this is not for a shortime but many work for years. Don\'t you ever thought of the fact that while applying for Immigration to Canadian Embassy, your all credentials are assessed and on the basis of your candidature and profile, you get an VISA. At that time the Govt of Canada doesnot say you that you have to work like a labour. What i oppose is that if your assessment is already made, why this community has made a border line for us to work. You are said that your education is not considered here nor your experience is considere and hence you have to study here , gain some expereience and then and then can only work here. Dont\' you feel its absurd...because you apply with your education, qualification and experience and on the basis of this you get PR Status..then why so ????

This is a dual attitude of this country. If you go indepth of this you will find the fact that this country invites you to work as a labour but not professionals. Yeh of course i agree that few of them get the job of their line but that ratio is very very low in front of lanaded imimgrants.. WHY WE ACCEPT THIS DUAL ATTITUDE AND DON\'T FIGHT FOR OUR RIGHT..?????..

.....will continue later...


Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 601
Location: Baroda, India.

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-10-05 00:04:48

It is already initiated on this website.

Please visit the thread "Memorandum to be presented to the Canadian govt."

Thanks & rgds.


Let's make India a better place !

Garvo Gujarati   
Member since: Nov 01
Posts: 3117

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-10-05 12:22:58


Please read this site. We have tons of imforamation from both sides - Postive and Negative. Also join the Memorandum.


A Proud Indian Canadian

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