My parents recently got their Canadian citizenship End of Jun 09. I just needed to know how do you go about canceling the Indian passport?
Is there a time limit?
At this moment we dont want to apply for Indian visas just inform the Indian Consulate.
I cant seem to find any information about this on the Consulates website.
Any information will be appreciated.
I would also like to know about this, as I have recently attained my citizenship.
Thanks in advance.
No formal procedure as far as I know. When they apply for Indian visa for the first time, you'll have to send the Indian passport, at which time, it will be cancelled.
but on my passport which was issued at the toronto consulate ( not theirs because it wasnt issued here) there is a stamp that says that you have to surrender that passport on acquiring another country's citizenship
Originally posted by raj1008
but on my passport which was issued at the toronto consulate ( not theirs because it wasnt issued here) there is a stamp that says that you have to surrender that passport on acquiring another country's citizenship
Thanks Dimple. So by that I understand that its not illegal to hold on to it until you apply for an Indian visa, am I correct?
Originally posted by raj1008
Thanks Dimple. So by that I understand that its not illegal to hold on to it until you apply for an Indian visa, am I correct?
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