Doing 84km in 60km zone. How can I avoid points on my records? My friend suggested that I should get some lawyers involved. Another guy suggested that I can delay the court date by appealing not guilty. This will postpone the ticket.
I know if officer does not show up the ticket will be waived. But I am sure he will be there. .
Can anybody give me suggestions on how to avoid point on my record. Thanks
If you are so particular about not having points, hire a lawyer.You'll have to attend at least 5 court sessions before the judge decides to give his verdict!If you are in a day job, this can prove expensive,since you have to attend court in the location where you were caught(usually the OPP officers' detachment location).
Good luck! The judge usually will ask why you werespeeding;what were the circumstances ? If these are reasonable,your charges might be dropped;else at most marginally 1 or 2 points the lawyers can drop.
Quite expensive! I can assure you of that!
Much wiser Guy!!
Sathish Subramanian
It would be much cheaper to have a lawyer in long run, if he/she can reduce your points.
A Proud Indian Canadian
Orginally posted by sunsys
I know if officer does not show up the ticket will be waived. But I am sure he will be there. .
Special Requests: Please call me after 5:30 because I am self-employed and my employer does not know I am looking for another job
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