Terrorist Attacks against Infidels

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Member since: Nov 04
Posts: 938
Location: Brampton

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 24-09-13 17:11:17

I think the problem lies in the interpretation by the flag bearers of that religion for their vested interests. Some religions provide more scope of such misinterpretations. Another factor is the circumstances which gave birth to the religion. Some religions are fundamentally more violent than others due to demographic and social factors.

A Delhite in Toronto

Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 24-09-13 18:08:32

Originally posted by Delhite
Another factor is the circumstances which gave birth to the religion.

Quite meaningful ... Irony is centuries later when those circumstances no more exist , the religion and its fundamentalism and its tenets carry on .... You ve got a vicious circle there ...


Member since: Aug 10
Posts: 2009

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 24-09-13 22:39:52

Originally posted by Fido

Originally posted by Delhite
Another factor is the circumstances which gave birth to the religion.

Quite meaningful ... Irony is centuries later when those circumstances no more exist , the religion and its fundamentalism and its tenets carry on .... You ve got a vicious circle there ...

It is meaningful for sure. Those were the times of no explainations to natural disasters and lack of connectivity between various parts of world and thus documentation of outdated stuff in big books and Huge huge fear factor on the name of hell, fire, floods !!

Religion is to Geography. The Greatest of religions were confined within a geographical boundary. Allahas, Wahegurus, Brahmas, Vishnus, christian god all were lesser know outside a particular territory (of their followers ! the humans) .
Islam was not know to this region till 16th century. There is no musalman or christian character in Ramayana or mahabharata or jataks or puranayas and vice a versa.
No where in sikh litrature (latest of all) there is mention of jesus or christainity. cause british/portugese were yet to arrive here.

Read the history, actually the invaders, the mass murderers and plunderers, carried the idea of religion and a new god from region to region.

If there is cycle of 84 lac species which is done by every soul then why some species are extinct, seems like divine cycle is broken or it was all crap !

Allah is letting infedels live so that his own followers kill them and be called criminals, kya allah ji ? khatam karo na.. shia kills sunni kills shia kills ahmdia and all go to heaven, good going..

Bhramha made bhramand. 'Srishti ke rachaiyta' but no body knows this fact in europe or britain.

..actually roads , bridges, ships , pirates and business men spoiled the whole game some long time ago...

Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 25-09-13 12:14:56

Which makes me come back to the first thought - Was Islam created to fight and be intolerant towards other ? ... and does that legacy still carry on ??

Another news item : Islamic Society of North America stripped of its charity status by CRA for siphoning money to Terrorist Organizations ......


Appears the only goal of this religion is no to co exist with other and fight others ...in any and every way ....... coz perhaps the religion teaches this ..


Member since: Sep 13
Posts: 10

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 25-09-13 14:35:59

Its upto the muslims to save their religion, they need to ensure that this Jihad stops world over. Otherwise time is near when Islam will be termed officially as religion of terrorists and it would be difficult to undo it.

If allah did not teach to kill, then muslims should have no problem to openly protest and bring these terrorists to books.

Member since: Apr 06
Posts: 1170

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 25-09-13 19:35:16

Originally posted by san-hugo

Originally posted by Fido

Originally posted by Delhite
Another factor is the circumstances which gave birth to the religion.

Quite meaningful ... Irony is centuries later when those circumstances no more exist , the religion and its fundamentalism and its tenets carry on .... You ve got a vicious circle there ...

It is meaningful for sure. Those were the times of no explainations to natural disasters and lack of connectivity between various parts of world and thus documentation of outdated stuff in big books and Huge huge fear factor on the name of hell, fire, floods !!

Religion is to Geography. The Greatest of religions were confined within a geographical boundary. Allahas, Wahegurus, Brahmas, Vishnus, christian god all were lesser know outside a particular territory (of their followers ! the humans) .
Islam was not know to this region till 16th century. There is no musalman or christian character in Ramayana or mahabharata or jataks or puranayas and vice a versa.
No where in sikh litrature (latest of all) there is mention of jesus or christainity. cause british/portugese were yet to arrive here.

Read the history, actually the invaders, the mass murderers and plunderers, carried the idea of religion and a new god from region to region.

If there is cycle of 84 lac species which is done by every soul then why some species are extinct, seems like divine cycle is broken or it was all crap !

Allah is letting infedels live so that his own followers kill them and be called criminals, kya allah ji ? khatam karo na.. shia kills sunni kills shia kills ahmdia and all go to heaven, good going..

Bhramha made bhramand. 'Srishti ke rachaiyta' but no body knows this fact in europe or britain.

..actually roads , bridges, ships , pirates and business men spoiled the whole game some long time ago...

This is a usual argument of left wing nuts. They obfuscate the whole issue by clubbing all the religions together. They think that most people are idiots, which they are, and get away with defending horrible ideologies. Left wingers specialize because they have a great deal of experience in this department. The pertinent question is ``were people killed because of ideology or for some other reasons?``

Any person who has paid even a little attention to the history would know which are the vicious ideologies responsible for genocides. Apart from religious ideologies, let me add that so-called atheists (read communists) were the worst of the lot. Lenin, Stalin and Mao together were responsible for the biggest genocide in the history. They killed millions and made many more millions suffer deprivation and misery.

It is time we call spade a spade.

Member since: May 11
Posts: 348
Location: Brampton

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 27-09-13 09:38:22

If any Islamic apologists still exist on this board, please note the sadistic acts committed by those terrorists on complete strangers just because they do not share the same faith(if you can still call it that).


I guess the Canadian government is just waiting for something like this to happen in a Toronto mall thanks to the immigration policies.

Contributors: Nightmare(11) Fido(6) Rajagopal(5) san-hugo(5) VRathore(3) Delhite(2) G13(1) ramar2005(1) tamilkuravan(1) Tourist(1) AshwaniG(1)

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