I personally think there are people (on both sides) who are using multiple aliases.....nothing wrong (who they are is your guess). As far as I know (from the other forums I visit) this is an internet norm.
I once made a mistake, but I was wrong about it.
Whenever I log on to this website. I look forward to hearing from immigrants about their positive experiences, but I guess the vast majority of people on this forum are a bunch of losers, who just complain, complain.......... complain.
About the need to certify, or requalify, why on earth would a professsional believe that his third world (read INDIAN) Credentials be good enough to start practising as soon as one lands in Canada? We know that :
1) The credentials from many insititutes, colleges and universities is not worth the paper it is printed on - People buy degrees, grease palms to get better grades.............. there are more dubious ways to get a credential in india.......... It's too ackward to mention them here.
2. Why on earth would you believe that Credentials fron India are as good as those in India? We have a caste based reservation system in India, where people become doctors, engineers geologists, scientists - not based on their grades, but what caste and community they were born into.
Naturally, do you expect the Canadians to take us seriously?
The million dollar question I would ask is........... if you are talented, skilled and a genius, whats the big deal in becoming certified here? After all, the Canadians are under no obligation whatsoever to treat us (or our education) like royalty.
So for heaven sake, GROW UP, STOP COMPLAINING. If you want to live here, do what an average canadian is expected to (like going to school here).
IF YOU FIND THAT DIFFICULT TO DO, STOP GRIPING, PACK YOUR BAGS AND GO BACK TO INDIA (By the way, if everything in India was so hunky dory and great, WHY DID YOU COME TO CANADA, in the first place?
Good luck to those who don't give up here, and Bon Voyage to those who want to say "MERA BHARAT MAHAAN" and go back.
U ppl its all ur luck man... if u dont now how to work hard then canada isnt build for u..get it... this goes to all the ppl out there who blame canada for some reason or the other....
Canada is better than India
Canada is better than Pakistan
Canada is better than U.A.E.
get it n now anyone of u needs some more badwords please do write to me on n i will make sure u r completely satisfied... u ppl are nothing but bunch of LOSER who cant work hard...
maady, no profanity please!
Your views are welcome but please watch the language. Thanks.
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Arre LAN sahab,
Coming back to topic, funny how most of the Winners/Successful people are quite foul mouthed....and the so called losers , while they maybe negative or not have good english, dont resort to name calling...
Before you ask me for evidence, i can tell you I dont have any. BL has edited them all before I could read them.
BL, dont take this badly, But i would rather you leave their comments....
I once made a mistake, but I was wrong about it.
Goodbye, LAN sahab.
And Merc., SF's message to you had no profanity, it was just too personal. I asked him to change it which he did right away.
The other messages weren't for you and no, I won't leave the profanity on the site. You're most welcome to communicate with these guys on a personal level to exchange unedited views.
Are you there?
well if SF message had no profanity then you should have left it.....Too personal?? let me decide and reply.....
I once made a mistake, but I was wrong about it.
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