Why Canada Needs Immigrants

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Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 13

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-07-04 08:06:38

Hi everyone. This is my first serious posting . Hopefully I will not be clobbered down on my opinions (as in most cases in this site), but rather encouraged by all of you to write more . For the record, I am 19 and will be transferring to a university in Canada in September.

So where is the catch? Canada allows in 200,000 immigrants per year when there are no proper jobs available here . It cant be true that the Government is unaware of this , or is this a well-thought out conspiracy – Immigration Department will attract the gullible with dreams and the recruiting agencies will use the “Canadian Experience” broom to push you into the poor paying low-skilled jobs market? Because that is where you are actually wanted. If that is so, they could rather advertise around the world as “Wanted Cabbies, Porters and Dish Washers in Canada”. Why create a point system on education, work experience, language skills and age ?

In my opinion, the ‘Canadian Dream’ is akin to the “American Dream’ of 150 years back, when the same was used to attract illiterate Irish men to migrate to the US. They were required to hard labor on farming, carpentry, heavy labor jobs and also to seed the next generation , else America would have remained a barren land with a dwindling population.

The Canadian Dream is – they want you here to boost the shrinking population . Just like the Irishmen come here work hard , realize your dreams and more importantly TAKE ACTIVE PART IN PRODUCING THE NEXT GENERATION OF YOUNG CANADIANS

Here are a few excerpts from a university paper on the subject :


At some point in the next 20 years, Canadian births will not make up for the number of deaths, and growth will depend entirely on immigration, according to Statistics Canada's Rejean Lachapelle.
"Those who don't attract immigrants and lose people to other provinces will have a decline," he said. "That's the case in Newfoundland, which had a very big decline during the last five years -- seven per cent."
"We are relying more and more on immigration to sustain the growth of the population, and therefore the growth of the market," said University of Toronto demographer David Foot . Foot, is the author of the best-selling book Boom, Bust and Echo.
The importance of immigration to the country's future was immediately seized upon by Prime Minister Jean Chretien and Immigration Minister Denis Coderre.
"I am very open to immigration," said Chretien.
Added Coderre: "Clearly, what the census has shown us is that we need immigration, we need immigrants."
So there you have it, they want you here. But they don’t want you here to spoil the income of an established professional. They want you here to survive on tid bits and wait your turn to take the place of the established professional , when he either kicks the bucket or retires. If a Canadian doctor is well established and earning mega bucks and he loses half his income due to 5 other immigrant doctors in his street, then he will kick up a row in Parliament against immigration . So that is why you will have to throw away you degrees and experience when you come here . And the system has been created such that the immigration will continue, but without a threat to the established professional .

Member since: Oct 02
Posts: 3409
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-07-04 09:01:30

Orginally posted by desi_student

Hi everyone. This is my first serious posting . Hopefully I will not be clobbered down on my opinions (as in most cases in this site), but rather encouraged by all of you to write more . For the record, I am 19 and will be transferring to a university in Canada in September.

Since you're making an accusation, could you please give me examples? I'm not saying this is not happening at all, but you say "most cases", so could you please show me 5 posts in the past week when someone has been "clobbered" for his/her opinions?

Or are you saying everyone should agree with everyone and all opposing arguments should be eliminated, that we create some sort of utopia on CanadianDesi?

Are you there?

Member since: Jan 04
Posts: 2025
Location: State of Denial

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-07-04 09:07:56

good article.

God analysis of the American situation from 100- 150 years back.

that is exactly what is happening.

I once made a mistake, but I was wrong about it.

Member since: Oct 02
Posts: 3409
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-07-04 09:15:40

Orginally posted by mercury6

good article.

God analysis of the American situation from 100- 150 years back.

that is exactly what is happening.

Yes, that it is. Even though I don't agree on all counts, the analogy may be true to a certain degree.

Worth mention that the Irish rule the country today via politics.

Are you there?

Member since: Jun 04
Posts: 13

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-07-04 09:21:58

apologies lobster. i didnt mean anything against this great site. maybe i been reading only the controversial posts and made a judgement. you can remove those lines if required

Member since: Oct 02
Posts: 3409
Location: Mississauga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-07-04 10:01:43

No big deal. Its just that if every other guy is getting clobbered for expressing his opinion here, that's of concern to me and hence my question.

I won't edit your post, you may if you feel like it.

For the record, I'm a desi and I make more money than most Canadians my age. And I know many other desis who do too. Not boasting, just trying to say that everybody who comes here does not end up doing a labor job. There are many desis who're actually doing quite well. The jobs are not for the taking, that's for sure, however all the doors are not closed either. As a community, we still have ways to go, but I think we're not doing that bad.

I am however all for the Canadian govt. amending its immigration policies to better reflect the ground situation here. There should certainly be more info. given to prospective immigrants from their side advising them of the pitfalls many face when they land here. The reality though is that you're not going to read stories of immigrant struggles and frustrations on a CIC brochure. The internet is much better at finding stuff like that out.

Are you there?

Member since: Jan 04
Posts: 2025
Location: State of Denial

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 29-07-04 10:05:09

Orginally posted by BlueLobster

Orginally posted by mercury6

good article.

God analysis of the American situation from 100- 150 years back.

that is exactly what is happening.

Yes, that it is. Even though I don't agree on all counts, the analogy may be true to a certain degree.

Worth mention that the Irish rule the country today via politics.

YOu mean, The Irish rule in USA or Canada???

I once made a mistake, but I was wrong about it.

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