Whether to move to canada or not?

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Member since: Oct 04
Posts: 859
Location: At my desk

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 20-07-05 17:10:20

Orginally posted by goodfriend
I am currently in the US and dont really like the western culture and the US itself.

What exactly is it that you don't like about the western culture and whatever it is, how do you imagine you will be able to avoid it in Canada?

After all from the culture angle, Canada is just as much a western country as the US.

Orginally posted by goodfriend
At the same time, if I think of India, I guess its easy to say that I would like to go back to India anyday etc. but coping up with the crowd , dust,power-cuts etc. would definitely be an issue after staying in any foreign countries.

What about after having lived in Somalia? Not "any foreign countries" I am sure! Just a nitpick.:D

Yes, you are right. It will be difficult to cope with the problems back home. So, earn, save and then go back to India and live somewhere where there is no crowd and no dust. Not difficult to find such places, I am sure. As for the last, if you have enough money, set up your own power generating unit. Now tell me, whwre is the problem?
Orginally posted by goodfriend
So having said this, how different would Canada be? Its the best country to live as rated by UN - how do you feel about it?

The UNs report is not created for immigrants, and so it's not really relevant.

IMHO, the country is not much different from the US. It is poorer, more expensive and it generally sucks just as much.

The Cynic

Member since: Jul 05
Posts: 213
Location: india

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-07-05 10:29:48

hi goodfriend,

yeah u r right. in us u dont like western culture and miss certain things.actually it is difficult to forget the culture or enviornment where we spent our larger part of life. but i think with passage of time we become used to new life style though sometime we miss our past. i am fully agree to u saying - that it is easier to think moving back to india but when we think of problems of lawlessness, lack of basic amenities like water and power, huge crowds every where , quickly one come on ground.
when i was in canada i used to think so many positive things in india. sometime i recollect there that in india i used to go to sunday fruit market and could get lot of fruits in just Rs. 200-300 and canadau cannot think to buy same things in just 8-9 dollars. but now in india when i go to same market i found its stinking and mammoth crowds. actully its human behaviour to recollect only positive aspects when we are far away .
now in india when i see dust , pollution ,crowds every where i think canada is so good,forgetting my unsuccessful and unending job search there.
today i was reading an article in TOI. it was about almaringly increasing population of delhi. in 1951 it was around 16 lacs now it is 1.23 crorers.
it is further projected 2.30 crorers in 2021. u can imagine availability of water, power, health ,jobs then.

considering all these no doubts canada seems better.
but settling in a new country is not so easy . most immigrants think within a span of 4-5 years things will become easier.but there in canada i met with lot of persons who still moaning about their settled and peaceful life in india. one thing is clear in my opinion if one is moving canada to become richer then it is gamble , a big gamble.
canada is wonderful country with natural resources in abundence.nice people, 24x7 water and power supply ,big roads, systematic life style.
but immigrants there complainig stress they are undergoing,lack of social life, mechanical life style, unsecurity of jobs, less customers ( for businessmen)....

biggest hurdle in settling in canada is non-existence of smooth transition system for foriegn trained professional .
also it is a matter of demand and supply . here in one CD thread i read that around 10000 foreign trained engineers came to toronto every year.
to this figure u can add locally qualified engineers. when lot of manufacuring and other jobs are transferring to china and other developing countries u can imagine the job crunch there.
Canadian govt. is rightly saying that the immigrants are growth engine of canadian economy as they pumps huge money as settlement funds. also they are giving boost of housing industry.


Member since: Jul 05
Posts: 11

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 21-07-05 11:11:20

Seniordesi has made a good point. But to set up a power plant, one needs money & for that if one stays in US for say even atleast 8-10 yrs , then I'm sure nobody would go back anywhere whether they like or dislike any place. I guess this would be true for any place for that matter...
only diff. between canada & US I've heard is that canada has better education system . Some people might say US edu. is more practical based & good, but it all depends on the individual prespective.

Member since: Jul 05
Posts: 526

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 05-08-05 12:23:07

Hi ptm,
Did you decide to move or stay in India?
Best wishes :)

Member since: Jul 05
Posts: 213
Location: india

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-08-05 04:31:39

hi LD,
I have decided to stay in India though my last few days were very stressful and I was under going great confusion whether to move to Canada or stay in India. I have talked to lot of friends who are setteled in Canada and also to some, who have returned back from Canada.

Pointwise I can explain the decision :

1) Monetory aspects.
In money terms I donot find any positive motivation for Canada. I am already the earning the Income which I can expect after four five years in Canada. Since cost of living are very higher in Canada, I donot forsee any saving potential in Canada.

2) Crowd, Dust, Pollution in India :
Ofcourse there is crowd, dust and pollution in India. Cows and stray dogs are freely roaming in streets and roads. Everywere there is chaos.

But why I should bother about the dust and heat outside if my house is clean and I am having AC. Why should I worry about the pathetic conditions of the roads. I am not a driver who has to spend whole day on the road. Pollution is also there in Canada as there is lot of vehicular traffic on the roads. I have seen there persons who have suffered jaundice which is a water borne decease.

3) Kids Future :
Most of us immigrate because of better Kids future. What I have observed is that in India we can provide a better and deceplined education. We can have more control on their shaping for future. While in Canada everybody knows that to meet the survival requirement both the husband and wife have to work. In such situation either one have to leave the child to baby sitters or to call someone from India to take care the kids. It is easy to guess how much grand parents will able to control the kids. There in Canada one person who is settled since last 7 years said he is very upset with the Canadian School education. He said it is more or less like schooling in Govt Schools in India. Every immigrants thinks he will make his kids doctor or engineer. But there is not less competition for entring in such professions. Some 15 days back I saw a posting in CD describing that nearly 10,000 foreign trained engineers come to toronto every year. One can imagine what kind of kids future we have there.

4) Job Prospectus :
Every year nearly 3 lakhs immigrants lands in Canada. All are well qualified and highly educated professionals. Are there enough jobs generated by the economy to absorb those immigrants.

I remember once I was attending a Job preparation worshop in a HRDC centre. It was about how to prepare the resume and cover letter. I was very curious that what was so special about preparing resumes. I asked the programme coordinator, that I am from India and I think India is poor country and Canada is rich country But in India I never seen such exercises like preparing resumes. The programme coordinator who was incidently an ex-bank manager from mumbai told me, that it is a simply matter of demand and supply as lot of persons are looking for the same jobs and you have to prove that you are the best amongst all the applicants.

I also recollect one more instance. One relative of my Landlord in Toronto was a qualified dental surgeon from India. Once I found she was applying for a receiptionist job in a dentist office. In her resume she had not mentioned that she is a qualified dentist, rather she wrote that she has some previous experience of working as a receptionist in a dentist clinic in India and well aware about the routine administrative work.

In every job sites like workopolis, there are numerous guidlines for job searching. In India I have never seen such specialised tips for job hunt.
If you are having right qualification you apply, If you suits to job requirement you will get it.

Everybody knows that highly qualified professionals are working in Security, Stores and factories lifting heavy weights, struggling for the GOLDEN AND ELUSIVE FUTURE.

Positive Side :

There is no doubt Canada is one of the best country to livi in as there is no water and power problem. Roads are big and clean. You donot see huge crowds everywere. You donot see cows ramming to your vehicle on the road. You see every persons neat and clean.

I am happy that lot of immigrants are leading a successful life there. It is the result of there sustained and patient hard work.

Conclusion :

I might not have tried a lot, I might not be a luckier or I might not have enough courage but I took my decision that for a settled person who is having resonable Income and status, there is no reason to move to another country just for the lure for quality life.

Lot of persons in CD comparing India and Canada on regular basis. They projects what will happen in India and Canada in 2021 or 2050. Life will run as usual. God is great. It may happen that within 10 - 15 years people will immigrate to India from the West.

My best wishes to everyone.

Member since: Jul 05
Posts: 526

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-08-05 12:32:27

Dear ptm,

It has been very difficult time for you. We can really understand.
Ultimately you have taken a courageous and right decision.
One bird in hand is always better than two in the bush. That ancient wisdom has a strong basis.

You have already scored one win over MAYA. Ultimately when we pass over to our next life, we cannot take along all this with us. You have decided to stay in India to do your greater duty towards yout family, to spend more time with children, to give them better education and loving care. That shows that you are great human being. You have sacrificed what attracted you for what is present and more important duty at hand.

You will be happy in life. May God bless you.

In some things, like marriage ;) , once you decide you do not review the decision taken time and again. Otherwise it leads to more misery.

Best of luck.

Member since: Jul 04
Posts: 7
Location: dubai

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 08-08-05 18:39:08

I have been reading this discussion thread for quite sometime. I think everybody goes through this dilemma-whether to move or not to move.
We did our landing in Oct 2002 from UAE. From Oct 2002 till July 2005 we have been going through this decision making process. The ordeal finally ended when my husband put in his resignation. Now we know there is no looking back. We have immense faith in God and believe that some things are just beyond our control. :)

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