Originally posted by hchheda
Originally posted by RBO
CGI website they mentioned that to put a new sticker in new PP which will cost $25 USD, and the process to get new sticker again you have to provide all papers and stuff is it right?
Yes, but only before 20 years of age and 1 time after 50 years. Between 20-50 years, it is optional. If you do not transfer the U sticker, you need to carry the old passport with the U sticker on it every time you visit India.
Originally posted by Heart Stealer
Hi Hiren
if someone obtains OCI at 50 years age, is he required to obtain new sticker as and when Canadian passport is renewed or not required and just travel with old passport with sticker?
Can you clarify?
Originally posted by hchheda
Originally posted by Heart Stealer
Hi Hiren
if someone obtains OCI at 50 years age, is he required to obtain new sticker as and when Canadian passport is renewed or not required and just travel with old passport with sticker?
Can you clarify?
The requirement is once after turning 50. So if someone have received the first OCI after turning 50, there is no need for subsequent transfers as long as you carry the passport with the original U sticker, along with OCI booklet.
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