Advice needed to take a life turning decision

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Member since: May 03
Posts: 254
Location: Brampton

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-05-10 14:14:03

Originally posted by morning_rain

Originally posted by gopalpai

By this time you would have gone through the process of failing a few driving tests, (no you cannot pay the guy Rs.200/- like you did back in India) and finally getting your license (another cause of great celebration here).
>Then installing an un-authorized satellite dish.
>Then the real Canadian dream starts clearing your very own driveway of snow in winter, (clearing the same driveway of leaves in the fall), mowing the lawn, doing all the laundry, cooking and house cleaning by yourself. Because guess what? Your maid, driver and ironing guy are back in India, enjoying a cricket match on TV and telling their
family about what a nice time you must be having in Canada!
>And while you are doing all of the above, plus trying to fix that leaky kitchen pipe (a plumber will charge $100 just to have a look), telling your kid who gets no homework to go study something, and wondering what kind of cereal you want for breakfast . . . keep telling yourself that you are happy because you are now living the Canadian Dream . . . . . .

I was feeling sympathetic while reading your story until I came across the above points:

1) No sympathy for someone who fails their drivers testing because they cant bribe the horrible of a driver are they?
2) No sympathy for having to install an illegal satellite dish to save $$...cable isnt a necessity of life..lots of people live without it.
3) No sympathy at all for losing all your domestic help. Adults can clean up after themselves.
4)I hate to say this but plumbers in India also charge you money to provide a service. Why complain about this in Canada? Also, eating cereal isnt a hardship. Its a choice.

Hi Morning_rain,

With due respect to Gopalpai, this article was written by Nalini raj and first posted on Garamchai titled ' The canadian dream'. The complete link is:

For all new immigrants to Canada, this article is a good 'crystal ball' to see how things will be in the near future.



Member since: Aug 09
Posts: 277
Location: My laptop

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-05-10 14:48:18

Originally posted by gopalpai

TK, it is just IT jobs now, even finance and accounts jobs are rare.

Just got information 2 days back that, like US, canada is also going to stop giving work permit and will ask companies to train canadians. Getting work permit will be difficult unless the companies prove that talented/skilled people are not available in canada.

This will bring a ray of hope to people in canada who are jobless. There are too many TCS,satyam, etc employees on work permit in toronto.

Please be aware that most of Europeans dont need visitor visa to enter Canada. They come here, find work and go back to their home countries to apply for LMO (HRSDC Certificate that this skill is rare in Canada)..and they dont need work permit to apply in their home countries either. They just arrive at Port of entry with LMO and work permits are issued to them.
For most of IT jobs, one dont require LMO, they can simply arrives here with job letter and work permits are issued.

There is one BUNAC cateogry of visa, please search it and you will find details.

So its not TCS/Satyam guys only whom u consider a hurdle...

Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-05-10 14:51:56

I even came across recently something known as an 'open work permit' in which you need not have an employer - you can come here as a dependent ( spouse ) with an open work permit , and get a job here .


Member since: May 10
Posts: 16

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-05-10 15:14:18

whoa guys !!! So are u saying that the IT market is good ??

And plz guys lets not make this a luv me - hate him thread !! evryone has his or her point of view ...lets just repsct tht rt ?? :)

the 10 laks i said was the approx figure i need to migrate and that includes the ticket for 3 , agency fees of 1.5 laks and the rest i guess the amount to be shown .Plz not that the amt goes up for the number of persons migrating rt ? in my case its 3, and hence this amount i guesss !!

My frnds frnd (:D ) got his migration procedures completed in 8 months time ..... he left for canada last month. Last knwon he is working in a factory for 8 CAD an hour !!

Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 1052
Location: Nice ,USA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-05-10 15:25:21

As i said before you should stay in India. There are enough Indians in Canada. If you line them up we can make a human wall from the East coast to the west coast.


Originally posted by ljlijash

Hi all,

I am a 25 year old father with a lovely 1 month daughter,currently working as Software engineer at trivandrum,Kerala,India. For some time now , I have been pondering over the question of migration to Uk,AUS or Canada simply because to get a better life style , job and education for my kid. Financial gains also included. But the risk of investing so much money (around 10 laks INR) is also holding me back.

i would like to know more about Canada as a land of opportunities relating to IT field. I am open to do any kind of work for some time till i land the perfect job.

Do I need to get my qualification assessed?

How good is an Indian engineering degree ? Do i need to take any canadian degree r certifications ?

What will be the bare minimum i have to earn inorder to just survive my family ..

how about the climate ? heard its ok in Vancouver ...Still will we able to withstand it ??

Also we r a muslim family ....any kind of discrimination towards our community or for tht matter asians as a whole ??

I know i have asked too much ,but let this be a sort of guide to all those aspirants !!

Thanks in advance guys !!

You know you are a desi when ........ You spew forth the virtues of India, but don't want to live there...............You've never had a tanning salon membership

Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 5286
Location: Canada

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-05-10 17:15:32

Thats the most interesting logic I ve heard for some one to stay in India :d ..

Even by that standard , this guy deserves to come to Canada as in India there are much more Indians , probably if lined would cover the distance from India to Canada :)


Member since: Sep 04
Posts: 1052
Location: Nice ,USA

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-05-10 17:37:04

Actually India to the Moon :clap:

Originally posted by Fido

Thats the most interesting logic I ve heard for some one to stay in India :d ..

Even by that standard , this guy deserves to come to Canada as in India there are much more Indians , probably if lined would cover the distance from India to Canada :)

You know you are a desi when ........ You spew forth the virtues of India, but don't want to live there...............You've never had a tanning salon membership

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