Confusion - is it really worth immigrating to Canada?

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Member since: Aug 10
Posts: 2009

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-09-14 11:55:47

Question of the topic is , is it really worth of immigrating to Canada ?

My Answer is Yes ! Else how will you know the worth of place? Each individual have own circumstances to like or dislike the place. You will not know till you visit and live.
I can give examples from my personal experiences,
I lived in Switzerland for some years, I know it is a honeymoon destination of Indians, if you ask me I would not like to live there but might prefer Vienna or any city in Germany instead. Did not like Paris but liked southern France a lot. Did not like UK much but there are good job prospects. If I compare with US/Canada, seeing the mechanical nature of life here , I still would like to go back and live n work in Europe any day, Now thats me. Having seen all this, will I ever go to India?, I am sure today No , I 'll not . Because I know there exist better options (if available of course!). Also depends how nomadic one wants to be or how adaptable, skilled or not so skilled, positive about new places or easily bored, how much money saver or family oriented you are.

With so many ifs and buts this topic cannot be discussed from place worthiness point of view. Its rather about the individuals, For some it is worth for some it is not.

Member since: Sep 14
Posts: 28
Location: my home

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-09-14 11:56:03

It is not a question of liking or not liking Canada - all I am saying is firstly the term crish used in not entirely correct (he has not "moved back";), and secondly, the reasons for your not liking Canada is not correct (children being spoilt in Canadian schools and the like) - that gives a wrong impression to a would be immigrant. It would be better if you compare schooling in two countries and let the reader decide what works for him better (neither Indian schools are bad, not Canadian - they are simply different).

This forum should be used to educate and help - not to provide a negative opinion about India or Canada. Yes, it is fine to fine to vent out your frustration, but by relating experiences and your choices - rather than giving a judgement statement about the two countries.

Member since: Oct 12
Posts: 70

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-09-14 12:58:41

@Dropout - You have a point, though my family did not move but I was in a comfortable position to move them to Canada, there is nothing holding me back to India. It is purely by choice, for me I was comfortable interacting with locals and other immigrant populations thanks to my living in Cape Breton.

I do not hold any negative views about Canada, continuing in India will be only for its positiveness and same goes if I have to migrate to Canada.

I am not sure, what point gave a wrong impression that I am of the view that children get spoilt in Canadian schools. Just to set the tables correct, moving or staying back in my case will be purely because of my financial constraints. Children's future I don't know, I have seen kids of first generation Canadian immigrants moving out to US for studies and settling outside Canada. Same is in India, my close friend and Engineer with lots of property and money in India is happy making minimum wages in Canada. In both cases parents did not see it coming.

What title would you have given the topic? I am open to suggestions.

Member since: Sep 14
Posts: 28
Location: my home

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-09-14 13:14:35

crish - my response was to TK's post about Schooling - since he said that one of reasons people return to India is because children get spoilt in Canadian schools.

Nothing against your post. All I wanted to say is your deciding to go to India was not "returning to India" in true sense, since you never completely left it.

Member since: Jun 05
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-09-14 13:43:10

Drops out:
All my postings are based on multiple experience.
Yes. Some people like the free education of Canadian schools taught by whites but some feel the negetiveness in it.
It starts at older ages. For example, one of my neighbour from bangalore, saw that his son mixed with the bad crowd at grade 7 and started using abusive language, roughness towards parents. Parents were afraid to disipline him as they feared that police would come. Same goes for females who the parents felt that they could go for pre martital sex. So mt friend left with his family and after 5 years in India, sent his some back to Canada to do bachelors at a Ontario university.
So it depends. If the child is educated / born in Canada, then it is very difficult to control children from garde 7-12 (where the bigest decisions are made).
Hope this clears things a bit.

Murali The Krishna !1!

I am a Gents and not a Ladies.

Member since: Sep 14
Posts: 28
Location: my home

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 22-09-14 14:30:06

Originally posted by tamilkuravan

Drops out:
All my postings are based on multiple experience.
Yes. Some people like the free education of Canadian schools taught by whites but some feel the negetiveness in it.
It starts at older ages. For example, one of my neighbour from bangalore, saw that his son mixed with the bad crowd at grade 7 and started using abusive language, roughness towards parents. Parents were afraid to disipline him as they feared that police would come. Same goes for females who the parents felt that they could go for pre martital sex. So mt friend left with his family and after 5 years in India, sent his some back to Canada to do bachelors at a Ontario university.
So it depends. If the child is educated / born in Canada, then it is very difficult to control children from garde 7-12 (where the bigest decisions are made).
Hope this clears things a bit.

Murali The Krishna !1!

I bow down and surrender!!

Member since: Jan 07
Posts: 18

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-11-14 08:40:17

Canada is a good country to live peacefully and the quality of the life is good. But if u have to live peacefully and enjoy the quality of Canadian life, one needs to have good job/ decent earning which is very difficult to get in Canada. So without money, no quality of life and no enjoyment.

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