Member since: Jul 04
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Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-03-08 23:02:05

My outlook :
Who has a better chances of raising kids right - One who stays with them or one who stays 1/2 of the time here and rest half unknown ...LOL ..

I remember someone saying :
Oh I am good when my Dad is home ...

Growing Old Is Mandatory ..Growing UP is Optional

Member since: Jan 08
Posts: 338
Location: vasudhev kutumbkam

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-03-08 23:15:32

Originally posted by sagardip

Do not get upset and we shall not pin point some one.It is not important which language u studied most and where u lived most when we are here far apart from back home.We must feel proud about that though there are lots of languages, we shine wherever we go! Also do not forget that we have very good knowledge of English as well every Indian is knowing another two language. We shall keep that heritage to our childern also.
Also when u r writing on this kind of forum one shall not take seriously typo error. That does not mean that person is lacking on language skills.Usually person do not read what he wrote .Some person may be good on english whereas some may be good on math. Everyone has some expertise!take it positively and do your best for your self.

I had walked out of this thread but couldn't resist responding to your post. I personally didn't feel very good making such remarks about someone's educational or cultural background. We all make typos..i make thousands of them and am sensible enough to understand that people may have strong and weak points. My apologies for saying something i am not used to but my Punju blood wont take any nonsense either !
If you follow my comments on this thread...they were about all -ve and +ve aspects of life that exists in India and Canada. Does that mean I 'hate' India. Does a mother point out the weaknesses of her kids or turn blind eye and defend the wrong...
Anyways Good Luck to all!

Member since: Oct 02
Posts: 1721
Location: Brampton

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 18-03-08 23:56:56


The problem is you assume too much. first you assumed I am on temp visa then I don't live in India, Man as per as my Job I need to physically live 5-5.5 month in India every year, so last 9 year 4.5 year i physically lived in India. My all family lives there and my brother works in Army.

Yes, I assumed - and my assumption were based on your argument when you said "I am permanently employed by Canadian office,I have not come through transfer or temporary visa. I came here as change in my job and leaving my Green card(Germany),If I want I can also apply for citizenship here."

And if you don't stay here for more than 6 months then I would Repeat "STOP Judging Poeple on this Board - YOU don't STAND A GROUND."


anyway that is not problem or topic according to you I am bad guy or even assume worst for me no problem,it but this can not prove India is hell and Canada is heaven and it can not justify changing the mother.

I didn't say you are a bad guy. Hypocracy does not make one bad. But don't come up with stuff. If you can't take Critisism/Truth, don't jump in. You keep bringing Mother India, what's up with that? Just because you like to talk big does not mean you Love More.


My dear friend India is equally good don't teach hate feeling about India to coming generation.If anybody want to go Please let him go.

Yes My dear friend ... nobody teach-hate-feeling about India to Coming Generation. Nobody is stopping anyone. OP asked for Opinion, everybody said good and bad ... but someone jumped Gun in the name of Mother/Rama/Krishna/& all ...

BTW, on the teaching to Kids - you don't Stand Ground at this also. Look back and read my Post on Page 4. Read that and you'll know where I am coming from and what's my Priority in Life. What the hell (again), I am arguing with DAD/Husband who stays 6 months away from Home for last 9 years to Earn some Extra Buck :cuss:


short and sweet
India is one of the best country to live in

India Rocks... No Denial There.

Dig this ... "Indians out of India are more Indian than Indians in India". I'll say this on behalf of Everyone on this Board.

Mumbai Maazi Ladki ...

Member since: Jan 05
Posts: 1096

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-03-08 00:12:12

Sagardip, the question here is not if India is developing or not ..... the question is " going back to India" ..... that brings us to the question on why we came here in the first place.
The reasons for this shift is basically for a better life and opportunity for self and family. To grow in an enviroment which treats you like and in turn you treat a fellow human being in a humanitarion way.
Let me explain ..... simple example .... take the traffic ..... you have jams in India as well as in Canada .... what is the diffference .... the attitude of people. In india everyone is honking as if there is no tommorow and will cut into your lane ... as if a lane is anything in India. Here i honked once two months after buying the car ... to be sure that my car had a horn.
Another thing India is growing fast ...... but that growth does not do anythign for me when i have to sit under a fan (on a generator) when the power goes off and i live in the national capital.
I used to work in the construction industry in India and i have been a spectator to the rape of delhi ..... done by the very own people who claim to love their country.
For the right price you could get anything done ..... Frankly i did not feel comfartable in that kind of environment. I have been working here for last two years and have never had to pay anythign to any one.
These are the small personal experiences (though not the only ones) which made me personally look for options for an environment where i could live and raise a family.
I am very well aware and concerned about the issues that are problems here. From teen pregnance to drugs or education to health care ..... i personally feel that the system here is more receptive then it is probably in India.

Now as far as India is concerned i would love that country even if there was no development .... my relationship with India is not based in the level of comfort provided or by the opportunity provided by India.
What we are pointing out are the reasons on why we moved from India. Now you have to admit that these problems do exist in India .... it is not something we here in Canadian desi have fabricated to malign India.

Member since: Jan 05
Posts: 1096

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-03-08 00:22:47

Originally posted by Innocent_heart

No offence but the truth is - Changing the passport is like changing mother. If anyone is comfortable with changing Mother for the shake of better road condition its personal choice but for the god shake don't abuse India because for some people its not just a country it mother, Motherland.


I do not want to get into a discussion with you ...... we think differently....... and there is no way you can change the way i feel about this topic neither would i have the energy to convince you to see the other side.
But i would like to take up on your comment about the country being your mother ...... you should be in India protecting her from the people (politicans and sundry) who are bent upon screwing ...... the country.
It is people like you who have gone outside the country claiming to be Indians .... waiving your passport ... but doing nothing to protect her for her kind .

Member since: Mar 08
Posts: 88
Location: Ottawa

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-03-08 08:04:15

Originally posted by Maharaj


The problem is you assume too much. first you assumed I am on temp visa then I don't live in India, Man as per as my Job I need to physically live 5-5.5 month in India every year, so last 9 year 4.5 year i physically lived in India. My all family lives there and my brother works in Army.

Yes, I assumed - and my assumption were based on your argument when you said "I am permanently employed by Canadian office,I have not come through transfer or temporary visa. I came here as change in my job and leaving my Green card(Germany),If I want I can also apply for citizenship here."

And if you don't stay here for more than 6 months then I would Repeat "STOP Judging Poeple on this Board - YOU don't STAND A GROUND."


anyway that is not problem or topic according to you I am bad guy or even assume worst for me no problem,it but this can not prove India is hell and Canada is heaven and it can not justify changing the mother.

I didn't say you are a bad guy. Hypocracy does not make one bad. But don't come up with stuff. If you can't take Critisism/Truth, don't jump in. You keep bringing Mother India, what's up with that? Just because you like to talk big does not mean you Love More.


My dear friend India is equally good don't teach hate feeling about India to coming generation.If anybody want to go Please let him go.

Yes My dear friend ... nobody teach-hate-feeling about India to Coming Generation. Nobody is stopping anyone. OP asked for Opinion, everybody said good and bad ... but someone jumped Gun in the name of Mother/Rama/Krishna/& all ...

BTW, on the teaching to Kids - you don't Stand Ground at this also. Look back and read my Post on Page 4. Read that and you'll know where I am coming from and what's my Priority in Life. What the hell (again), I am arguing with DAD/Husband who stays 6 months away from Home for last 9 years to Earn some Extra Buck :cuss:


short and sweet
India is one of the best country to live in

India Rocks... No Denial There.

Dig this ... "Indians out of India are more Indian than Indians in India". I'll say this on behalf of Everyone on this Board.

That is not the point you don't worry what I am doing., don't worry about my wife and children I am single when I will marry I will invite you with due respect .when I have wife and children then you can worry about them so till then No more assumption.

Yes My dear friend it hurts when you change your mother, It's after all personal choice changing mother/name and religion No offense.but the skin colour takes time and soul take more time.

but the older you get the more it hurt and to justify this act don't abuse India.

the whole world is changing blah blah blah but none can justify changing the mother/god.

with all the bad road and old building India is great. You live whenever you want but don't try to explain you came here because India sucks:down:

No one is here interested in your priority of life but don't abuse India keep hate feeling inside you and don't try to act like "Range huve siyar" who claims he is sent by god and king every one know the truth.

Member since: Aug 07
Posts: 569

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-03-08 11:22:47

Dear innocent_heart:

Based on what you say so far, there is good value for everything in India and there is better job opportunity (Both from your first posting in page 3). It is also the responsibility of every Indian to stay put and fight the corruption etc (from your second posting in page 3). I keep wondering - hypothetically - why the f*** one won't quit his or her MNC job warranting to spend 50% of the time outside India and, instead, take up a job in India? Given the motivational levels, why not being in India 100% of the time and fight the system there? Given India can be developed so much, why doesn’t one take the lead in developing, say any particular area, for e.g. Raipur? Why not invest in an electronics research lab in the upcoming IT special economic zone there?

Don't think just because your brother is in Army, you can talk about patriotism. If he talks about it, I will stand up and listen; but that doesn't give you any rights. And for the record, I also have a close family in Army and one of them still has a bullet kept as souvenir - a gift he got during Kargil, which, thanks to god, find its mark 2" away from where it was probably intended. I am pretty sure, many here will have some family in the Army. But that doesn't give any of us any right to talk big, as if we are putting our lives in the line of fire for the country. Does it?


It's after all personal choice changing mother........ and soul take more time

If you are referring to the country of residence, and if you know this, why are you assuming that the soul's of every one here has changed?

If you are referring to your actual mother, then how do you do that? I don't know how to change my mother... I am yet to meet any one who knows. You are the first person, so please enlighten us.

Ever heard of Sour grapes?

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