Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 1761
Location: Mississauaga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-01-12 11:06:54


I submitted application and all releavent documents to CPC (Mississauga) for my parents for PR category like IMM0008, IMM5406E, IMM65669E, etc...etc....almost more than one month ago.

any input what is next step now do CPC will send some letter for confirmation for receiving all documents or wait and watch for next 10 to 12 months to get just update from CIC dept?

Online status at CIC website still not showing any progress yet.....

any input would be much appereciated.


Member since: Apr 11
Posts: 36

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 19-01-12 13:22:49

Originally posted by RBO


I submitted application and all releavent documents to CPC (Mississauga) for my parents for PR category like IMM0008, IMM5406E, IMM65669E, etc...etc....almost more than one month ago.

any input what is next step now do CPC will send some letter for confirmation for receiving all documents or wait and watch for next 10 to 12 months to get just update from CIC dept.

Online status at CIC website still not showing any progress yet.....

any input would be much appereciated.


Please check yr PM.


Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 1761
Location: Mississauaga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 25-01-12 15:54:29

Finally today i recieved confirmation letter from CIC.....it says...

" you have met the requirements for eligibility as a sponser. Accordingly, the application for PR for your relatives has been forwarded to a visa office aboard for further process....i.e. in India.

that means file has been approved or not?

any input would be greatly appereciated.


Member since: Aug 06
Posts: 1761
Location: Mississauaga

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 10-02-12 18:02:52

Today i recieved the e-mail from CIC india and i thought i should share this information with other CD's....

Looks like we have to wait more 3 to 4 yrs to bring parents here in Canada.

see letter copy below from CIC India.

Dear XYZ,

We have received your application for permanent residence in Canada in the Family class on
03/25/2008 and have created a file with the file number indicated above.

Note: The application received date is in mm/dd/yyyy format. Please quote this file number inall future correspondence with our office.

Canada has a carefully managed and controlled immigration program that is committed to
maintaining a balance of 60% economic immigrants and 40% non-economic immigrants (familyclass, refugees, and those in need of protection). Amongst non-economic immigrants, priority isgiven to spouses/partners and dependent children.

We are currently processing other relative family class applications according to these timeframes, from the date the application is received in New Delhi:

Parents/Grandparents / All Other Relatives
Confirmation of receipt of 3 months / 12 months
First Review 9 months / 36 months
Interview 43 months / 44 months

As we proceed to review these cases, we will contact the applicants. In the meantime, we
recommend that clients check the website (www.india.gc.ca) for any changes. No purpose will be served by writing to us to enquire on case status until the current situation changes.

While we understand the wishes of sponsors and parents to be reunited, and that longer processing times can be frustrating for those seeking to bring family members to Canada, we hope this information will help explain the delays that some are experiencing when sponsoring parents, grandparents, and children to be adopted.

You should contact us only to provide IMPORTANT NEW INFORMATION such as a change in your mailing address, a change in your family status or other information relevant to your application. Although we will not acknowledge receipt of the new information, it will be noted on your file.


Immigration Section


Member since: Aug 04
Posts: 773
Location: Toronto

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 11-02-12 19:23:49

Ohh thats sad news ....
But I hope this is a standard format of letter they have been using until now and now since we are under pilot project they will speed up the process.
One of the CD members (username Shuga) had file transferred to Ottawa, I wonder what time will Ottawa take for those whose file got transferred there ?

Member since: Nov 08
Posts: 1448
Location: Sunny - Leone

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-02-12 00:00:52

4 more ?.


Sunny Leone a true Canadian DESI now back in India !.

Member since: Nov 08
Posts: 1448
Location: Sunny - Leone

Post ID: #PID Posted on: 12-02-12 20:57:30

It looks like it will not happen for a long time.


By Tim Harper
National Affairs Columnist
It was Quebec Premier Jean Charest who most eloquently analyzed the new economic realities of Canada.

“Oil, gas and potash — and others. That’s the financial situation of the country,” Charest bluntly told his fellow premiers last month in Victoria.

Charest didn’t need census numbers to acknowledge the shift westward, the irresistible pull of resource riches and the ebbing of power from the country’s centre.

The new influence in this country is being wielded by the likes of Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall, Alberta’s Alison Redford, should she win a mandate in this spring’s election, and the winner of next year’s provincial vote in British Columbia.

But, first and foremost, the census numbers released this week show the potential for the consolidation of power by Stephen Harper’s Conservatives for years to come.

There are 30 more seats being added to the House of Commons in time for the 2015 campaign, a move that acknowledges the population growth in British Columbia, Alberta and Ontario.

Seats are also to be added in Quebec to maintain that province’s historical percentage.

Ontario gets 15 more seats, B.C. and Alberta six each and Quebec three.

In Ontario, these new seats will inevitably be added in the 905 belt, a nod to the growth of communities such as Milton, Markham, Brampton and Vaughan.

Milton is again the fastest-growing city in Canada. Oak Ridges-Markham is the largest riding in the country.

All those towns are reliably Conservative.

Conversely, the slowest rates of growth in this province — or outright declines — are found in northern or rust belt cities such as Thunder Bay, Sudbury and Windsor.

All are NDP strongholds.

Of the 15 ridings in Ontario with the largest populations, 14 are represented by the Conservatives.

In Alberta, all six of the fastest-growing ridings are held by Conservatives and two-thirds of the fastest growing British Columbia ridings vote Conservative.

Now that the census data has been released, 10 independent commissions, one in each province, will be convened to redraw the country’s electoral map.

The Liberals, having digested the census numbers, appear to be having night terrors, thinking of a perpetual Conservative majority.

Thursday, two prominent members of their caucus, Marc Garneau and Stéphane Dion, raised the bogeymen of partisan meddling, gerrymandering, Conservative dirty tricks and secret backroom deals when it comes to drawing riding boundaries.

Never mind that they have no evidence of this.

Raising the possibility appears to be their only weapon.

“There will likely be great pressures by the Conservative Party to fix the process in a way that favours them,” Garneau said.

But the Conservatives don’t need dirty tricks to feel bullish on their electoral chances.

They will aggressively court skilled new immigrants to fill a yawning jobs gap in the boom provinces, and they have already assiduously courted new arrivals they believe embody “conservative values,” favouring entrepreneurship over government intervention.

Another wave of grateful arrivals will only make it more likely that they will become Conservative voters in the future.

Harper’s laser-like fixation on the economy, primarily Alberta’s oil patch, is aimed at future prosperity in his home province and the influx of future Conservative voters lured by jobs.

Opposition parties must look at any future electoral map and feel the odds are stacked against them.

But they can take solace from recent history south of the border.

In the wake of the second Republican triumph under George W. Bush in 2004, there was much talk of a permanent Republican majority in the U.S.

Young, rock-solid Republicans were flocking to party strongholds with states like Colorado leading the way as the brave new west overtook the American rust belt.

And then reality derailed the theory.

It took two factors that could turn Canadian politics on its head in 2015 — overwhelming fatigue with the governing party and a brash, new generation of leadership, embodied in Barack Obama.

Obama was nominated in Denver. And he won Colorado.

Tim Harper is a national affairs writer. His column appears Monday, Wednesday and Friday. tharper@thestar.ca

Sunny Leone a true Canadian DESI now back in India !.

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